View Full Version : is it normal to feel some symptoms all the time?

14-11-11, 02:29
ive been having a lot of health anxiety recently and posted about it a few times. but my biggest fear is that what im feeling isnt anxiety. that just scares me a lot :( and something that ive noticed is that my vision feels kinda off. like when im watching tv i feel like my eyes can't keep up with the tv screen. and sometimes ill feel other symptoms when im not even feeling anxious. is that normal? to feel somethings throughout the day? its really scaring me lately :weep:

14-11-11, 03:40
It seem like not be so normal,do some execises regularly,and pay attention to the work you like maybe better.

14-11-11, 10:12
I feel symptoms too when im not feeling anxious, ive even been laughing before and all of a sudden had a wave of dizzyness and then its sent me into a panic! I just wanted to reasure you your not alone on this xxx

14-11-11, 10:27
Read the symptoms on the left and you will find that even if you don't feel anxious your body is constantly in a state of anxiety and this produces all the symptoms listed on the left menu, these symptoms are caused by the chemicals in our bodies when we are anxious but of course make us think that something terrible is causing them and its a nasty circle and typical of health anxiety.