View Full Version : Such bad pain :(

14-11-11, 04:44

Just gotten over the flu and now I've developed a throbbing ear ache. It happened yesterday night was terrible but fell asleep and it went

By the morning but now it's just not going. I've been up all night (as you can see its nearly five) and I can't lie down because it just gets worse! Panicking so much feel physically sick and the ears not helpin anything. Had 2 paracetamols about 2 hours Ago but they clearly haven't worked...

Gonna book a doctors appoinment as soon as its 8 or 9 so nervous to what it can be :((((

It's sooooooooooo painful!!!!!!!!!!!!

14-11-11, 04:52
Hi, I've had this before with a head cold, the virus tends to migrate to the ear and can be really painful. But please don't worry! The doctor will put you on antibiotics and in a few days it'll clear up nicely. :) It's very common, honestly.

14-11-11, 05:07
Hi thanks

I'm just so tired now but if I lie down it kills and throbbing pain gets worse. Ive never had this much pain in my ear before its horrible. So all I'm doing it Sittingg up waiting
For time to go by. Do u have any tips to make it less painful?


14-11-11, 05:11
Well, I used to wrap something cold in a small towel and hold it against my ear, that seemed to help. :) Chin up, once the antibiotics begin to work it will be quickly over.

Fly away Katie
14-11-11, 13:56
It will just be ear ache. It's normal to get in during a cold.

I used to have them as a kid. I can remember the pain. I used to sleep on that ear, with a hot water bottle under the ear. SO SOOTHING.

Hope you feel better soon love xxxxx

15-11-11, 00:55
Thanks for replies went doctors my ears infected got given antibiotics so hopefully will be well ASAP!! X