View Full Version : 4 am in the morning cant sleep

14-11-11, 05:22
:unsure: all the thoughts of the previous years haunting me and ones that havent even happened yet, i really need to sleep, but my thoughts will just not be quiet, tried all the calming remedies, even to tired to type but cant rest.

14-11-11, 05:41
Hiya, another insomniac here, in my case worrying about an upcoming hospital appointment today is keeping me awake. One thing I've learned to do is just get up out of bed. Tried forcing myself back to sleep and it only makes things worse, so I get up, put the kettle on, turn on the tv for company and get online. hope you can catch up with some sleep later on, a good nap can make all the difference.

14-11-11, 06:44
that happens to me sometimes too. the best thing to do before bed is throughout the day do lots of things...even if its going for walks... make yourself tired and want to go to sleep x