View Full Version : Crisis team Will I be sectioned

14-11-11, 09:44
Over the last few days my anxiety has gotten so bad that I considered taking my own life. I went to gp this morning and he has referred me to the crisis team, who are going to see me today. Will I be sectioned? I really don't want to go into hospital. Never thought it would reach this point Iam so scared.

14-11-11, 10:24
You do not have to go to the hospital if you don't want to.
It's very rare that they actually section people.
Most likely the team will help you and provide you with therapy ,
There's a day hospital too where you go for therapy n stuff :)

14-11-11, 10:30
Thank you mishel for your reply, Iam so scared and sick of the panic attacks and anxiety thoughts.

14-11-11, 10:56
Hi Louise

Being sectioned is a last resort used for the very ill.

The crisis team will help you to see that even though all the Physical feelings may suggest there is something really wrong with you it is just an over-active nervous system.

I can really understand your thoughts though. I have thought about doing the same thing once or twice during my worst panic attacks. It is natural to feel this way when everything feels hopeless but i can vouch for the fact that things DO get better no matter how long it takes.

You will come to a point where you will feel amazing after you have had one because you manged to get through it. A sort of natural buzz. No one apart from our fellow sufferers understands this.

I don't know what stage you are at yourself but there will come a point when you realise that the attacks, even though they feel serious at the time, do not relate to anything seriously physically wrong and you are not going to die from them.

When you come to that realisation you will be on the road to recovery and until then and even after it every member of this group will support you as much as we can.

You are not alone.

If you ever want to chat before, during or after an attack for reassurance please feel free to ask for my mobile number.


14-11-11, 11:11
Hi Louise

the crisis team are there to help people intensively i n their own homes and are there to prevent hospital admissions. They tend not to admit people unless they are a danger to themselves or others. If they can they will help you calm down and support you and talk to you about how your feeling and how you can help yourself. please take care

14-11-11, 13:35
Thank you everyone for your kind words especially donny. The crisis team rang me and are going to carry out an assessment tomorrow, I was so frightened and your replies have helped to calm me down, I realise now the crisis team are here to help me, they said they always try to keep people at home and it's their main aim to keep people out of hospital if possible.

14-11-11, 13:35
dear louise
sorry you are feeling so bad. The crisis team will be really nice you wait and see. For the record I'm feeling bad myself today so selfishly I will be interested how you get on.Be thinking of you

love joy

14-11-11, 13:40
Thanks joy I have pm you and will keep you updated, my doc said they will probably have to change my meds too.

14-11-11, 14:25
So sorry ur having a rough time :bighug1: i am too at the min and i saw my community health team fri for a screening appointment and i was petrified i would be sectioned there and then, obvously i wasn't but it was so scarey, please let me know how u get on xx

oh no_1
15-11-11, 08:44
nicola im seeing the mental health team for first time on monday for initial app kind of thing, what happens? im petrified?

15-11-11, 09:01
nicola im seeing the mental health team for first time on monday for initial app kind of thing, what happens? im petrified?

Hi its honestly not 2 bad, i was petrified to the point i was having panic attacks, retching and saying i wasnt going! I found it emotionally draining because they ask you about your past etc then they ask u questions on how your feeling a bit like a tick list! Then they will recommend what help they think you need, its a scarey thought going but its honestly ok, good luck x x