View Full Version : earlobe creases

14-11-11, 09:49
How many of you have a diagonal rease in your lobe? I have just noticed one and i'm panicking lots :ohmy:

14-11-11, 10:00
Stop googling!!!!!! you are just fueling your anxiety by googling all the time. All the HA sufferers will be looking in the mirror now.:lac:

14-11-11, 10:06
sorry didn't want to scare anyone, I'm just freaking out and I know i shouldn't be googling but I just had to to allay my fears, it certainly didn't do that though.

14-11-11, 10:30
:)Been there and done that to the point of staring at total strangers ear lobes.

If you look at peoples earlobes most of them have these creases and where I live there are alot of old (80) people and all of them have these creases and they are still alive.

I also know a few people who have had heart attacks and do not have creased ear lobes:shrug: AS with most discoveries they aren't completely sure if the creased earlobe is the chicken or the egg , which comes first.

If you are seriously worried then ask you Dr for check up but if you young then no need whatsoever.

14-11-11, 12:37
Thanks Countrygirl I so wish i hadn't noticed the crease though. i'm so stupid going googling. I'm not doing it anymore. x

14-11-11, 15:31
Stop googling!!!!!! you are just fueling your anxiety by googling all the time. All the HA sufferers will be looking in the mirror now.:lac:

loooool :roflmao:

14-11-11, 15:49
loooool :roflmao:
Well I could just see everyone rushing to their mirrors and then googling. I dont have HA but I even had a quick look at my ears:D

14-11-11, 16:57
i dont need to rush to the mirror i already know ive a crease and my lobe joins straight to my side of my face,,im just weird but i kinda like it rofl

14-11-11, 18:04
love me, love my earlobe crease :shades:

14-11-11, 18:09
love me, love my earlobe crease :shades:

14-11-11, 18:19
Does anyone wake up with their ear folded over against their face sometimes? I do. Its quite painful.
Sorry just thought I'd drop that in you know... :flowers:

14-11-11, 18:32
Does anyone wake up with their ear folded over against their face sometimes? I do. Its quite painful.
Sorry just thought I'd drop that in you know... :flowers:
That is so painful, I hate when that happens.

14-11-11, 19:18
Earlobe creases...what, what, what does it mean ? LOL I have them, but have to say am not concerned in the slightest as it is from wearing earrings that were way too heavy in my yoof. Still gonna check what it means though.....:winks:

OK, so read about it now. I think thats quite a funny bit of research actually....as many authorities have suggested that the findings about earlobe creases are because of this.........older people get baggy ear lobes and therefore they are creased and the older the person the more likely to have heart trouble, therefore creases on ears in an 80 year old will be pretty bad and they are more likely to have heart trouble. (Kind of like saying a permed blue rinse is linked to arthritis ?)

14-11-11, 22:25
That is so painful, I hate when that happens.

I hate it too. Ruins a good lie in.

macc noodle
14-11-11, 23:34
Yes I have a crease on my ear lobe and when I first saw it about 10 years ago, I was convinced I too was doomed and that it was sign of an impending cardiac crisis!! LOL

I have stopped waiting for this crisis now ! My HA has evolved onto other things now!! :)

15-11-11, 06:55
Macc noodle, that's so reassuring thank you. That's the annoying thing though isn't it? I will probably be the same, i'll get over this and then something else will replace it :mad:
I'm still in the constant mirror checking, googling phase (enough to give me heart probs alone) x

17-11-11, 12:45
macc noodle is your crease still there?

17-11-11, 13:44
There's no proof that having a creased earlobe increases your risk for a heart attack. If it did increase your risk, i assume it would be assosiated with weaker connective tissues, IE people who are double-jointed may also come under this 'increased risk'. EVERYONE on this forum will have some risk factors for a particular disease which is out of there control.

MOST IMPOTANTLY: There has been significantly more research showing that exercise will significantly reduce your risk of heart attack (or even prevent it all together for many years).

Always look for a constructive solution to your worry. Stop trying to be perfect, because you can't change your genetic make up.

Imagine you actually had heart problems, what would you do? You wouldn't be worrying about what caused it, but you would do everything to could to prevent it worsening.

17-11-11, 14:13
Jack you're right, thank you. I have actually tried since i noticed the crease to eat healthier. I was presuming as i'm a healthy weight that my cholestorol would be good. It's actually made me look at what i eat and i've already cut down on a lot of salt and fat. cheers for the facts x

17-11-11, 14:40
Just so you're aware, if you keep looking into your earlobe crease, one of the two will happen:

1. You find out that you are at an increase risk of heart attack. You eat healthier and exercise more and this counteracts this
2. It doesn't increase your risk! (still do the others though)

It's not like it's a rare genetic disorder which causes definitave death or scientist would have discovered a certain relationship by now.

I can see you have a great attitude though, good luck for the future.

17-11-11, 15:49
That's so helpful put like that. Thanks so much x

29-12-12, 13:46
:)Been there and done that to the point of staring at total strangers ear lobes.

If you look at peoples earlobes most of them have these creases and where I live there are alot of old (80) people and all of them have these creases and they are still alive.

I also know a few people who have had heart attacks and do not have creased ear lobes:shrug: AS with most discoveries they aren't completely sure if the creased earlobe is the chicken or the egg , which comes first.

If you are seriously worried then ask you Dr for check up but if you young then no need whatsoever.

This has become my new anxiety and I'm sorry for bringing this thread back to the front, but I have to admit, I laughed a little when I see I'm not the only one checking out others earlobes. One of these times I'm going to get caught starting. Then what do you say? :blush: