View Full Version : bloods!

14-11-11, 12:28
I cant stop worrying that something is being missed. I had a late period and a feeling of something by my left ovary,loose bowels,stomach pains,nausea etc. I had an internal exam off my doctor and she said everything felt normal and bloods took for hormones which were ok. I am waiting for a scan but i am obsessing over her not doing all my bloods. I dont know whether to go back and ask for them to be done.

---------- Post added at 12:28 ---------- Previous post was at 09:59 ----------

Anybody any advice?

14-11-11, 13:58
hi zippy. i'm so sorry you're having a tough time at the moment. i've had severe health anxiety for almost a year now, and just recently i've started experiencing the symptoms you mention: i haven't had a period in three months, i'm nauseous and suffering from quite intense stomach pains – but i've had several lots of blood tests, the results of which have all been normal. interestingly, my gp explained to me just last week that anxiety can really screw with your body's rhythms. mild stress alone can cause a skipped period! health anxiety breeds doubt, so the something's-been-missed misgivings are only natural. i have them still. but we have to learn to trust in those who have so much more experience and (medical) knowledge than ourselves. in all likelihood, your gp only referred you for a scan to ease your mind. i won't tell you not to worry, because of course you will. but just know you're not alone.

14-11-11, 14:09
Thanks emmasaurus. I know its awful my partner keeps telling me to stop being irrational. Once we get something in our head we cant get it out. My gp said all my symptoms can be bowel/stomach related with anxiety. But i cant get out of my head theres something going on because i can feel something down by my left ovary. But i know alot of people on here have said ibs symptoms can cause pains etc by your ovary area.

14-11-11, 14:21
yeah, ibs can be anything from mildly uncomfortable to excruciating… but i wonder if your (obviously bright, enquiring) mind has simply tricked you into thinking you can feel something in the region of your ovary? the more we focus on our bodies, the more aware we are of ordinary sensations. does that make sense? i sometimes find that when i'm particularly anxious, i obsess about something (for example, a nagging pain beneath my right breast) to such a degree that i imagine i can feel my lung. which of course i can't – not really. distraction is key! try doing several things at once: watch a film, paint your nails, write christmas cards.

14-11-11, 15:26
All i know is i can feel something uncomfortable down by my ovary. Its not really painful just like somethings there that shouldnt be. I can feel it when i sit down and my left groin/hip is painful. Even if i distract myself i get a twinge or i can feel it and it feels me with dread again. I hope my scan isnt too long away.