View Full Version : This anxiety is killing me...so fed up.....

14-11-11, 12:10
Hi Everyone...
I'm new to this forum but posted a tread regarding the new medication the doctor put me on.
I was put on Sertraline a few weeks ago and two days ago I had to half the pill as after the first week of feeling fab I started getting bad night sweats, ringing in my ears and a load of other strange sensations.
I'm not 100% sure this was the best thing to do.....my 10 week old baby is currently not well and has been having a bad rash, I took her to the doctors today and she thinks it may be a virus.....
I'm in a state....this morning my husband has gone away for the week for work and I'm in a state.....
I feel shaky, chills, that horrible sensation in my throat and chest pains that come and go....I cannot relax and am walking round the house trying to occupy myself...I know this is the anxiety but I constantly feel I'm going to pass out or have a heart attack,,,,
I'm so fed up....seems like when I'm I'll or someone else is I'll this keeps happening and it's like a vicious circle....
My husband doesn't get it....I asked him to feed her last night as I had a funny turn almost like she was gonna pass out on me....it's so stupid....
I don't know whether to take the whole pill again so I will be on 50mg!
I have this constant fear of death....I saw a dying bird the other week and one just after it had been killed the day after and I couldn't help thinking it was a sign I was gonna die....so stupid.....
Does anyone have any things they do to relax?
This is driving me crazy......

14-11-11, 12:15
Yes if something comes on the tele or i see it in a paper/magazine i always think its a sign i am going to die.
I started on citralapom last night and i woke up at 4am feeling anxiuos.
Its absolutely awful feeling this way and i know how you feel. I just wander around aimlessly in the house its like nervous energy. Your not alone x

14-11-11, 12:19
o honey, i totally feel for you, was in a very similer situation to you 2 years ago after having my second baby and am now again in your boat, i had a baby 3 weeks ago and feel awful too, i have been having a problem with my right breast for nearly a year now with pains in back, shoulder, breast, see my current thread. But like you 2 years ago, i was having daily panic attacks that almost ruined not only my life, but my marriage and relationship with my children, i was also put onto sertraline, stick with it because the first few weeks are horrendous, with all the side effects but they do ease up i promise you, you could ask your doctor to perscribe you some valium for a week whilst you ease yourself into the sertraline, thats what my doctor did for me, which really helped, but youd probably need some help with baby if your husband isnt there, so may not work for you.
Try and understand that this in ONLY anxiety and you will get better, just takes times, take care. xx

14-11-11, 12:57
Thank you for your replies....I'm so happy to know that you have been through similar things.
I seem to be calming down a little now...I'm not sure if I'm having a anxiety attack as when you see them on TV it's all brown bags and proper breathing difficulties
I hope they find a cure for all of us, it's strange how something in your life can bring something as horrible as this on.....