View Full Version : Fear of Pulmonary embolism and DVT - air hunger?

14-11-11, 12:30
Hello, I am new to this forum. I have been obsessed for the past few weeks with the thought of developing a dvt and it spreading to my lungs. It started at a temp job a few weeks ago when I had an achey leg on my right side then on my left, it went after a few days, there wasn't any swelling (one leg is just bigger than the other) when I went to the docs to change my bc pill to progesterone only I asked if it'd be noticeable and she said it's be much bigger, hot and swollen, it wasn't at all. Then my bf had a cold and I had the tail end of his cold, a bit achey and sinus pains, etc. For the past few weeks every waking thought has been about this, have I got a clot or a p.e, is this ache in the bottom of my throat and in my chest from the air hunger (was really struggling to get a deep breath) or have i got something worse? I feel like I'm loosing my mind. I'm having CBT at the moment but am under a lot of stress and feel like I'm on the verge of an emotional breakdown. I am on my own at home and have not been to a&e but keep fearing i'll die and it could be a p.e even though i have no other symptoms. Would a p.e have a lot of painful symptoms? i very likely didn't have a dvt but cannot shift this thought, got sent home from a temp job today. Noticed I looked pale from lack of sleep and freaked out, the air hunger is only bad when i notice it, could I just have a cold without the stuffiness? please help :(

14-11-11, 13:10
hi i had 2 blood clots end of last year the pain is unbelievable , i couldnt breathe , had pain in my side and chest ,coughing up blood ,swollen ankle very swollen but was told this was due to just having a baby not saying the symptoms to scare anyone just saying them to let you know ud def know if was that i had 2 on my lungs , and you are saying air hunger only bad when you think about it just proves its nothing bad hope you feel better soon xxx

14-11-11, 13:22
Agree with above. My friend had PE after a flight to Italy and he got such severe pain and unable to breathe that they thought he was having a heart attack. The symptoms are usually severe and no way would you be leading a normal life!

14-11-11, 13:24
Amanda, thank you so my anxiety has been terrible over the past few weeks and once I did the dreaded google I was convinced that this was the problem. It's such a lonely thing anxiety. Sorry to go over your previous illness Amanda, but was it a contant and unrelenting kind of pain which came after a very obvious dvt? It all had clear physical causes?

The air hunger has been associated with the stress and the fear, I have a CBT appointment tomorrow, do you think it's necessary to take medication when things get this bad?

14-11-11, 13:30
hi charrlie the pain was so bad i could hardly move, it didnt go it was there all the time i had cat scan which revealed the cause of the pain , anxiety is very lonely as if people havent got it they very rarely understand how so many of us feel on here ,i cant answer for everyone but meds have def helped me out lately , no googling though its sooooooo bad

14-11-11, 13:34
I can feel the air hunger going at the moment, the more i refuse to take a deep breath and just take normal ones the more it subsides. I really need to take come constructive action to try to stop this. I have not been to the hospital, I should just take the reassurance from the doc a few weeks ago, the leg ache went there was no swelling, it's hard though when you get a sinking feeling and convince yourself it's something ominous... Do you mind me asking what they prescribe for anxiety, never taken a single drug for this before.. x

14-11-11, 13:39
leg pains can from your back. I get that... I was getting pains... they say i have deep venous valvue failure in my legs, but no clotting.... the pains in my legs are coming from my spine rubbing on nerves. So, leg pains doens't always = DVT.. it can be nerves, muscular etc. :)

14-11-11, 13:49
Yes, it can be sciatica. I have a lower back injury from my teens, and often have aches and pains, but they're not what scares me. It's the panic then the breathlessness, it really upsets me, I bottle it all up then work myself up and end up in a state... just don't want to burden my bf :weep:

14-11-11, 14:05
i take propranolol betablocker slows your heart rate down xx

14-11-11, 14:08
I bottle it all up then work myself up and end up in a state... just don't want to burden my bf :weep:

it's important not to bottle it up. that's when we turn into real pressure cookers of anxiety and end up running to A&E... it's important to share your worries with partner / friends, family. :)

when I get really scared, I open up about it...or I'd go nuts.

14-11-11, 14:29
I know what you mean it's good to get it off of your chest but it feels like it's too much to bother him with, not many of my friends live close and my parents and I have a strained relationship. I just don't want to put it all on him, is there anything you guys do besides the talking, like journals etc, do they work? Amanda, the propranolol I was prescribed when i had stress and air hunger before but never took them, do they help the physical sensations or the mental sensations?

14-11-11, 14:34
God I went through this at one stage & it's vile.
You know it's irrational but you can't help it. My DVT fear was then taken over by a brain tumour fear lol!!!
One thing to replace another eh.....

14-11-11, 14:37
they help my physical symptoms charrlie but i think once there controlled it gets easier x

14-11-11, 14:59
Thank you to you all for your help and supportive words. Amanda, does it have any side effects? Seriously considering taking them, still have them in the cupboard, do they help air hunger at all? x

14-11-11, 15:06
they have been godsend to me charrlie had no bad effects, they do stop my air hunger x

14-11-11, 15:12
Wow, that sounds like it's a massive help. I may start them and see if they make a difference. I have no judgement for people who wish to take anti depressants but would prefer not to, if that's the course taken for people with GAD. I just want to try to help myself and not become reliant upon any type of mood changers, where as beta blockers are quite natural to some extent aren't they? Sorry about all the questions. This forum is helping me so much, when i got sent home today i was beside myself, but since discussing my problems the air hunger has pretty much gone and i'm feeling so much better, thank you all so much x x

14-11-11, 15:14
it defiantly helps to talk, chatroom is always good aswell if feeling a bit lost or unwell x

14-11-11, 15:35
A bit of reassurance really helps, that's all you need sometimes... What do beta blockers actually do?

14-11-11, 15:46
they slow your heart rate down a bit ,as alot of anxiety symptoms is heart racing etc as many of us know on here there awful symptoms x

14-11-11, 16:14
Right I'm going to get involved with this beta blocker shizz need to get rid of the physical sensations they just exacerbate things x