View Full Version : does anyone else get breathless when standing up?

14-11-11, 16:06
for example if im picking the kids toys up and knelt on the floor then stand up i feel really breathless, just a real struggle to breathe and sometimes i have to sit and rest before i can continue, or if i just quickly bend down to pick something up i feel exactly the same. Does anyone experience this?
Apparantly my blood pressure is fine etc

14-11-11, 16:53
yes i can do,,i think in my case its where i always shallow breath

14-11-11, 20:04
Or its because your blood pressure can't keep up with the change in position. I have always had this if I bend down to floor for amy length of time say in a shop to look at bottom shelf then when I come back up I have to hang onto shelf while my vision comes back to normal! Also you compress your lungs when you bend over so unless you have no body fat at all this will make you feel out of breath.