View Full Version : steping stones

28-05-06, 22:40
[brown]hi again all.... [Sigh...][No] (she's back) hahahaha....

well since i have last posted i have over come a few of my probs i have started traveling a bit more i dnt panic as much now just anxious i still not mastered the art of traveling on my own but i have had my birthday since last posting, and my sis and bro in law took me out i had to travel in all 1 hour in the car to our destination and i even slept at my sisters she lives bout 30 mins drive from my house...

i have been going to my local towns with my best friend traveling on buses and to day i went to birmingham my sis did a 10 mile walk for charity me and my bro in law waited at finish line for her with a pint for us (lol) [8D] i was in a big field with loads of people round me and i felt fine had a few irational thougths but hey dnt we all [8)] and i know its not much but i was in that field for 2 hours and i even got interviewed by my local radio station about the world cup ;) i impressed him was nervious talking down this mic didnt help he was good looking lmao.. oh and while i was in the field lyberty x came on stage not my kinda band but more people came round me and i wasnt as bad as i use to be whooo hooo!!!!!!
next step i need to do it travel on my own but i will get there...

hope you are all well xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

p.s believe me the breathing exercises make a big difference as i dnt drink to calm me down well not much hahahaha :);)

just want to say thanks to tracey she has been a great help past month even when the bad times got bad she was there for me and never gave up thankyou

28-05-06, 23:18
Great that you are doing so well Emmy. Keep it up!


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

29-05-06, 01:22
well done you!..cant wait to hear youve travelled alone well done again,def keep it up xx

jools xx

marie ross
29-05-06, 01:27
Well done, you sound like you've been really busy!!! Take care and let us know if you manage to travel on your own (i've still got to pass that bridge yet).

Marie XXX

29-05-06, 07:46
Great news Emmy - keep it up
Love Helen

29-05-06, 11:31
That's great news Emmy!

I live in Birmingham and popped down to the Walkathon for an hour yesterday so I know how busy it was. I have actually done it twice but no-one would do it with me this year!

Well done. I think events like these are real tests.... Go you!!

Tammy x

29-05-06, 14:17
thankyou all so much for the replys wish i knew you lived in brum tammy could have meet me for a pint lol.... i am hopeing to do a walk for charity soon well as soon as i have sorted my business out...


29-05-06, 15:15

You are doing so well and you know how proud of you I am. You have been going from strength to strength the past few months, and have definately turned that corner now..........next step Portsmouth for that girls weekend eh sis lol

Loads of love

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

29-05-06, 18:56
yes tracey get the win ready will need it by time i get to you lol....
girls weekend hmmm look out portsmouth lmao just think one day i am going to make it there.. xxxxxx

will keep you all up dated of how im getting on talk to you all soon i hope...

29-05-06, 19:09
just wanted to say a big well done emmy you are doing so well.

Keep at it

take care


29-05-06, 19:44
Glad to hear you are doing so well. Keep up the good work.

x x

29-05-06, 23:12
So happy to hear the good news Emmy. I know you must be so proud of yourself!


30-05-06, 15:50
Hi Emmy

So pleased to hear you great news. Excellent stuff

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

19-06-06, 14:24
thankyou for all for your support..

well i though i wold post this as it been over a week and still cant believe i did it my sister and brother in law was takeing my mom and dad to glouster for a early fathersday prezzie so i got up early on the sunday to have brekkie with them all as i hadnt seen my sister for 2 weeks and they convinced me to go with them after an hour of saying come on it will get you out the house i got my self ready and got in the car and though "i will do this" well it was over an hour to get there and i didnt panic much just more of the anxiety not knowing where i was....
i made it there and then they told me "oh we are going on a train ride" so i though i will do my breathin the train ride lasted bout an hour and we got off at different stops and had to go through a tunnel it scared me at first as all the ligths in the train went off as well my sis grabbed my hand and said really calmly to me "drink your water " you are here and ok...

we got to the end of the train ride and had a walk about but they got hungry and realised we left the food in the car and then it hit me i got to go back on the train and that bloody tunel :( so got back on the train a lil anxious again but was thinking i will beat this tunel and i did sat by everyone and was talking looking for the ligth at the end of the tunel and though i can make it out of this tunel so i will make it out of this anixety/panic tunel i am in just got to have faith...:D[^]

we got off train at the end and i even eat in a public picnic park felt a lil wierd had the cold bumps dont know if any one else gets it but just told my self i am here safe and well...

but it the furthest i been now and went for the whole day i was so tired but foned my friends up and told them everyone was more excited than i was lol [8D][^]:)

well start my cbt on the 28th as i want to start walking on my own again..

oh and i did all this with a chest infection no wonder i was breathless hahahahaha..... if you got this far and not bored you thankyou for reading it

emiyl xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

19-06-06, 14:28
hey hun,
cant belive i missed ur post!!!!
your doin sooooooo well, im soooooo proud of u!!! ur doing so good hun!!!

23-06-06, 16:23
just got back from my cbt told her my fears etc,etc, had to fill out a questionaire thing as i was asked if i want to go to a self help group and i said yes i got the results back from this questionaire and my anxiety isnt as bad as it was neither is my depression :D[^]..

felling positive at the moment knowing i have took that step forward and i am also telling my self i mite get a taxi on my own to the group wow i must be feeling good at the moment [:o)][8D]

i got asked a question and i never thougth i would be able to anser it to my self it was what makes you unhappy at home i thougth what it was and as of next week i am reorganising my house my mom mite not like it but my dad agrees with me lol :D (any volunteers) haha

after the cbt i went for a walk with my cousin round my local town did not feel panicky just a lil anxious but not much...

i need to stop writeing essays to u all dnt think iv missed much out


thankyou again all for helping me so much even in the bad times

if it looks like it works and feels like it works then it works!!!