View Full Version : motivation has gone completely

14-11-11, 17:23
For the past year or so I felt quite motivated, managed to get myself really physically fit, and started doing some things that would help me meet people. I had forced myself out of my comfort zone and it helped me for a while but because I didn't keep it up I have just gone back to not bothering or caring. I feel anger towards the world at the moment, feel like I've been cast aside, forgotten about, chewed up and spat out in the gutter.

I know I'm feeling sorry for myself.:weep:

But for the past couple of months and since my anxiety came back really badly I have just lost all motivation and hope. Despite keeping up with doing some exercise I really don't think I can face the struggle of joining a new social group.

I've never been this bad before, for the first time I worry that my anxiety that has hampered my life for the past 8 years will carry on ruining my life. I can't see how I'm going to get through it, and achieve what I want to in life.

Just having a bad day I suppose and only been taking Citalopram for less than 2 weeks.

Having anxiety makes me feel selfish and self centered as everything seems like a big deal.

14-11-11, 19:16
I know how you feel harvestmouse. I was in a similar situation to you a few years ago and thought my situation wouldn't ever change very much. The trouble is, your anxiety and fears make life seem darker and more brutal than you would otherwise see it, as you know. Anger was a big part of my anxiety too and not being able to live a normal life was really frustrating.

What steps did you take previously when you ventured out of your comfort zone? Think back and see if you can repeat those steps, even if just making one small step forwards each week.

One thing you must not do is beat yourself up about your anxiety and think you're selfish or self-centered. That will just make things worse. Anxiety is a real disorder and something you cannot just get rid of with the snap of your fingers because you choose to. Be easy on yourself.

There are ways to help alleviate and even overcome anxiety so don't feel it's a life sentence.

14-11-11, 23:02
I don't know what exercise you did but I used to belong to a running club. It was very good for my self esteem and helped me socially. The good thing about it was that you could be as social as you wanted to be which suited anti-social me very much! And of course exercise is so good for the blues. I sure do miss it but that's another storey.

Anyway back to you. Don't blame yourself for that anxiety, take one day at a time and treat yourself from time to time as well.

I'm also on Citalopram, for about 10 weeks, and have noticed a difference so maybe you will too. Stick with it and good luck.

16-11-11, 00:13
I'm feeling much better in myself the anxiety and panic attacks are almost completly gone. Well I say that the panic attacks are gone. The biggest issue I have is the motivation, I still can't be bothered to do anything and if I put anything else of until tommorrow then one day tommorrow is going to be a very busy day.

16-11-11, 14:37
I was doing a lot of cycling and doing weights as well, also a lot of walking, I've got myself in really good shape, and felt good about that but now my anxiety is back its made me stop doing things.

16-11-11, 15:50
Do you think it's SAD ?

16-11-11, 16:07
I'm convinced I have SAD on top of the other conditions :(

Hope you find motivation and send me some too :)

16-11-11, 18:41
Its mostly general anxiety but yes I do suffer from SAD as well, its something that has developed, I think anxiety is very complex.

Its difficult when you have anxiety because doing anything is a struggle at the best of times. But I suppose I will just have to try to start again and try to motivate myself.