View Full Version : Waking up in the middle of the night and having trouble breathing

14-11-11, 20:11
Hi Everyone…I haven’t posted on here in a long time. I hope everyone is doing well.

For the past week I have woken up at various times in the middle of the night. Once at 1:30 a.m. (had a horrible panic attack this time. I felt like I was literally suffocating.) I woke up at 4:30am twice. 3:30-3:45 2 or 3 times. It’s like my brain has an alarm set to wake me up at this time every single night. I think “I’ll just relax and try not to think too much and I’ll sleep through the night”, but it never works. When I wake up I usually feel really hot, nervous and it’s hard to catch my breath. Eventually I fall asleep again, but it takes me awhile. I’m starting to get extremely frustrated because I’m tired all day now and I’m afraid to go to sleep.

I don’t know if this is worsening the issue, but I got a call from my Dr. last Wednesday telling me that I had an abnormal pap and that I need a colposcopy, which I can’t go in for until 11/22 :( This waking up issue actually started before I got this call though!

I’m not sure if this is stress related or if I have sleep apnea or something. I asked my boyfriend who sleeps next to me if I stop breathing or snore and he said no. I’m just so scared of waking up & feeling this way and it happens every night…has this happened to any of you before?

14-11-11, 20:23
Its because your body is on hyperalertness and sleep is the only time when your body will totally relax which will wake you up when you are feeling this way. Sounds to me like you have a lot on your mind so its understandable to feel worried and nervous. You then get in a vicious cycle with sleep. Your brain is a clever organ, it thinks its helping you by processing all these things whilst you sleep.

It will go, just try not to think about it, accept the feelings, they will go. Your body will sleep when its ready. x

15-11-11, 00:00
I often wake up, but rarely in a panic attack, mostly just too anxious to sleep. You could try sleeping with some music playing softly in the background, it tends to help me.