View Full Version : Really high anxiety levels :(

14-11-11, 20:57

I'm new to the forums but I really want to talk to someone about this so I hope you can help. My anxiety levels are sky high at the moment - I'm not used to it as I've been on Mirtazapine for the last 6ish months which sedated me, but brought my mood down and made me gain lots of weight :( I've just come off it and started on Fluoxetine and my anxiety is so bad - I'm jittery and anxious, teary and paranoid all the time, constantly asking my wife if she hates me or is going to leave me - I'm terrified she's keeping secrets from me even though I know she isn't. She's very patient with me but doesn't "get" how I feel and I just ask her the same questions over and over again :( I'm just so afraid of everything! I work in Social Services and I get so scared of doing assessments with people in case they shout at me... I'm just scared of everything!!! Help :(

14-11-11, 21:49
Welcome - most of us are all in the same boat here so you're not alone,

I too take mirt, and I too have gained the weight, :( big thumbs down.

In regard to your wife, it'll be hard for her gauge how you feel as she doesn't experience this. My boyf did a lot of research into anxiety to help himself help me better.
I still ask the same questions over and over, it frustrates me but I've now come to learn that that is the negative chatter inside my head, and if i try holding back on a question i want to ask ill end up making myself worse, so just go on ask and ask and ask again if it'll help.

Sometimes my fella seems distant and I believe its justs their way of coping....Its hard for us sufferers but I hate to imagaine how hard it is for our loved ones who cant really help us that much.

14-11-11, 22:04
hi there
I also work in social services and understand how you feel. I have been off work since Fri due to a blip of anxiety. Anyhow does your employer know about your condition?? I am protected under the disability discrimination legislation. It wasnt easy to admit it but I am glad I did. Here is a web page you or your wife may find useful....
I found it of help. Take care:)

15-11-11, 15:24
Thanks guys. I'm feeling a little better today - no Diazepam taken so I guess that's a good thing :) I'm hoping things will start to get better now, as the tablets start working. My work do know about my condition - I've had countless panic attacks in the office and cried for hours at my desk. I'm also protected by the DDA and I have a lot of support from my colleagues and bosses - it's a very supportive environment. I'm determined to stick at it as I don't do well being at home on my own, but I'm not very good at asking for help when I need it. I'm struggling now though because my IBS has flared up suddenly this afternoon :(