View Full Version : anyone else get sharp head pains?

14-11-11, 21:48
i get headaches but sometimes i get like just a sharp head pain when i move my head a certain way or like when im in a bouncy car. a lot of the time i only get head pains when m head moves around too much, is that normal?

15-11-11, 02:07
please help someone im really worried about this! :'(

15-11-11, 13:22
Hi John
Firstly be aware that clearly there is a time difference here in the UK so sometimes a reply is not immediate, for instance your post showed here late evening and you second at 3am – most of us in the UK are tucked up in bed:)
Your headaches sound similar to the ones I get if I sit in the same position for too long particularly if I’m slouching. Tension builds up my neck, around my ears and stops at the hair line on my temple with a sharp pain. Generally if I then move about and sit up it goes but if I leave it to long (I rarely do) then a pain killer is often the only fix.

15-11-11, 18:43
okay good that makes me feel a lot better, haha and sorryyyyy i was kinda freaking out yesterday. yea ive been slouching a lot at my computer and stuff so that definitly isnt helping, thanks a lot! :)

Natalie x
15-11-11, 22:35
Hi John. I can relate to you and this is something that worries me particularly. Earlier, I was quite stressed I work and didn't realise I had my eyes screwed up, which resulted in a headache at the one side and my eyes feeling funny making me feel freaked out.

I had a similar experience about half an hour ago when I was watching telly. I got a sharp pain at the right hand side and then gone slightly dizzy for a second. I tried not to worry or think about it so just lay down and concentrated on telly.

I am also famous for panicking about things and on-going worrying, so have a million things in my head at the moment which probably doesn't help. You may be slouching and this will have an effect on your neck which then can lead to a headache. Have you tried a hot bath to relax your neck or a long shower to let the water hit your neck? Sometimes a lot of neck tension or screwing your eyes up can lead to this. Hope you feel better soon :) x