View Full Version : Everybody seems to be having a go at me right now

14-11-11, 22:37
Latley everybody seems to just be having a go at me over silly things. A freind who was prone to always falling out with me..done it about 4 times in the past few years fell out with me over a silly debate about hardly catching up anymore and I never felt he was much of a mate anymore.

My family are aruging over Christmas with me I have a full time job and can afford to buy a good present yet last year I worked hardly any hours and spent aobut £100 on my parents so I'm included to get people less..they seem so ingrateful this year.

I'm trying to be positive in my life yet as usual I'm around such negativty. It sounds silly but why can't I be around more positive people? It's not just my attitude I feel I can be in a good mood and half the time they are in a bad mood.

Just don't get why everybody has a go at me these days when I mean well? :blush: