View Full Version : Hiyaa

christina :)
14-11-11, 23:40
Hiya im christina im 19. I suffer from panick attacks i dont go out cz of them they are really gettin me down and none of my frienda understand me or wat im goin through so i came across this site to try and get some help and talk to people that are goin thro the same as me :) x

14-11-11, 23:41
Hi christina :)

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

14-11-11, 23:46
:welcome: christina to NMP.

We have lots of members here who will be able to relate to what you are going through.

You are not alone and we will help you out as much as we can.

di xx

14-11-11, 23:55
Hi Christina, sorry to hear what you are going through...it's the same for me. I am off work at the moment with severe anxiety and also suffer panic attacks. It's just nice to know sometimes that there are other out there like us eh? People don't understand unless they have been in your situation. But I know it can be really debillitating and changes your life. I wish you all the best and hope you can find some comfort here :)

christina :)
15-11-11, 00:06
Thanks for replying :) ye its nice 2 knw that there are other people like me and that in not on my own and im hoping that i can get help from here x

15-11-11, 22:04
Hi Christina

Welcome to the site. The fact youre only 19 is good, you will be able to turn things around and gradually feel better with the right advice.
