View Full Version : losing weight.

15-11-11, 08:07
I am really worried about losing weight so fast. I have lost 4lb since yesterday and i have no appetite but i have forced myself to eat i.e i had bolognese,banana,crisps,kitkat,pitta bread,wagon wheel all yesterday. So how can i lose 4lb eating that in a day. I have been awake since 4am tossing and turning. I cant cope, i feel like going to A&E but i know they wont do anything. I have an appt with my doc in the morning,i am going to ask for bloods done. I really think i am dying.

15-11-11, 08:13
Zippy you cannot weigh yourself daily and expect accurate results. Weigh weekly if you must but if you do weigh daily you will always get vastly differing results. You have severe anxiety and it's awful, it does feel like you're dying at times i know but really you need emotional help rather than medical. Try and ditch the scales for a while xx

15-11-11, 08:26
I know i shouldnt weigh myself but i am so scared i am dying and i try and eat so i dont lose weight but its obviously not working. I feel that no one believes how ill i am and i feel like i am slowly dying. I started citalrapom on sunday.

15-11-11, 09:15
Ok, i understand and i believe that you truly believe you're dying. Give the Citalopram a few weeks to start working and I believe that your fears will lessen. I know how crippling anxiety is but i also know that it's a vicious cycle, we feed it ourselves. Stop weighing yourself and everytime you get scared tell yourself that it's anxiety, repeat it like a mantra, you can beat this, we can beat this. xx

15-11-11, 09:35
Thanks pacer. I need to get a grip but i cant seem to. It all started when my period was late and now i have nausea,loose bowels,ache in hip/groin,stomach pains/wind and various other aches and pains. I googled and i have convinced myself i have ovarian cancer. And now the weight loss is just fueling my thoughts. Its a vicious circle.

15-11-11, 09:41
Hey there,
I've been where you are, I was forcing myself to eat at normal diet but still losing weight which in turn made the anxiety worse - it's a vicious cycle! The problem is, although you are eating, your anxiety is so high at the moment that you are burning more calories than you can possibly eat!!
It uses an incredible amount of calories to stay in 'anxiety' mode constantly. You need to try to break the cycle (easier said than done!). As you know, I still have HA issues but they don't control my life anymore, they're more like a niggling doubt in the back of my mind and I've managed to put on almost a stone in the past 6mths :)

I'm always here if you want to chat
K xxx

15-11-11, 09:50
Thanks kah. I know i usually am on a diet and want to lose weight but it freaks me out losing it like this. I usually eat a good balanced diet but my appetites gone and i am eating crisps,chocolate etc and still losing weight. I woke up at 4am this morning, tossing and turning,anxious and was considering going to A&E but i have got up and had to keep myself together while the kids got ready for school. Why is it everything seems so much worse during the night, i am not saying i am ok now but i am thinking a bit more rational than i was at 4am this morning.

15-11-11, 09:54
I've been like that so many times! Some nights have been so awful that the minute I've woke up I'm ready to take myself to A&E that is until I stop and think about it for a second and realise it's just the reassurance I'm seeking not the medical attention.
When you go to the docs I think you should be totally honest about how you are struggling and outright ask for help. The fact you are asking for help and are aware that there is a problem tends to make the GP a bit more sympathetic and more willing to help (in my experience anyway!).

Good luck and let us know how you get on at docs
K xxx

15-11-11, 10:06
I just started citalopram on sunday so i dont think theres much more the doc can do. I did try cbt last year but by the time i got my appointment i was ok again so i only went a couple of times. When you feel ok again you look back and think what an idiot thinking i was dying. But the next time i always think no i really have got something this time because each time i have new symptoms.

15-11-11, 10:10
Yep, everytime I get over a bout of HA I feel fantastic and think never again......if only it was that simple!!!!!!!

15-11-11, 10:16
I know i said last year to my friend if ever i get some different symptoms i am not going to freak out and tell me i am being stupid. Late and light period and the old thoughts kept coming in my head and i try and push them away and think i am not worrying but i am. My friend said theres loads of women with irregular periods and they dont freak out. And here i am back to thinking i am dying, i never think i have something thats treatable oh no its always cancer.

15-11-11, 10:20
I'm like that too, this year i've had a really bad time but the previous two were great, thanks to CBT. I so don't want to spiral backwards but it is hard to just get on with living and not dying!! the media doesn't help, or naughty GOOGLE!!
Zippy, you'll be fine, we're all here for you and if it helps i feel like i'm dying too, LOL xx

15-11-11, 10:29
Ha i know its google thats got me into this state because i wouldnt have even known ibs type symptoms can mimic ovarian cancer. My doc has even gave me an internal and said my ovaries and whatever else they can feel are normal. I came out and felt reassured for about all of 2-3 hrs.

15-11-11, 10:33
Citalopram made me lose my appetite for the first couple of weeks but your appetite will come back. When your metabolism is fast, you will be burning off more than you are eating. I got through the not eating stage by drinking Complan for a few days just to stave off the hunger pangs enough to want me to eat and to give me some energy.

15-11-11, 10:34
We should have a daily pledge room on here- i will not look up symptoms on Google.
I think you should keep remembering what your doc said though. you're ok Zippy. Hope you can have a worry free day xx

15-11-11, 10:39
I already had no appetite for the last few weeks before i started to take citaloprom.

15-11-11, 11:30
hi zippy,

I totally understand how you're feeling. For the last 5 months i've had bowel issues, loss of appetite, weight loss and have not had a period for 2 months. I always think i've got some form of cancer.

How long have you had the bowel problems for? The more you worry the worse it gets but its so hard not to worry, its a vicous circle thats so hard to break.

15-11-11, 11:34
Hi, just wondered if you'd read Dr. Claire Weekes books? They're pretty much a bible for anxiety sufferers & can really help with the frequent worry about illness - for example, if loosing weight, she tells people to 'stay off the scales' & try to just eat normally without keep checking if you've lost or gained. Plus, she gives detailed explanation of all the common symptoms caused by stress/anxiety (churning stomach, palps, nausea, giddiness, trembles, lump in the throat etc) & how we can so easily get caught up in a cycle of fear of how we're feeling which perpetuates the discomfort, so we go round and round in a loop, often having to deal with a different symptom each day.
I'm sure the combination of this website and her reasurance has helped loads of people to cope.

17-11-11, 07:35
one thing you must stop is googling, we nearly all have done it and all nearly thought we was dying of something after looking, its not worth it it just pushes anxiety up and up give the meds a chance to work and remeber no googling ever

17-11-11, 15:29
When I went on Weight Watchers online, I would obsessively weigh myself multiple times a day. My weight could change by 2-4 pounds each time. Depending on water retention, going to the bathroom, eating, so many factors. When my anxiety gets really bad I completely lose my appetite. I bet when you finallly calm down your appetite will return. Stop weighing yourself. HA is awful, I hope you are feeling better soon!