View Full Version : 2 Steps Forwards.........4 Back!!!!

15-11-11, 11:00
Hi all,
Well, where do I start??
I've been doing quite well lately, no full blown panic attacks for a good couple of months - thank you hypnotherapy :yesyes: but the anxiety is sky high most of the time.
It started back in March after a horrible reaction to a course of steroids which made me have panic attacks and chronic anxiety, and when I think about I've come a million miles since then as I didn't leave the sofa for pretty much 3 weeks (except for docs appt's and hospital appt's as no-one knew what was the matter with me) but now I'm back at work full time, looking after the house and my kids and run a pretty 'normal' life, but the issue I have is I feel so nervous and worried the whole time, and ill. Its like I'm running on nervous energy and I'm sick of it, I just want to feel how I used to and not worry about every single thing!!
I was on the depo injection for 6 years and have now had my 4th period since stopping it. For the first 2 periods my anxiety went sky high before I came on but now it seems to have reversed and its sky high as soon as I've finished bleeding - arghhhhh!!! Does anyone else get the heightened anxiety after their period?
I'm loosing loads of weight, I used to be around 10 stone and now I'm 8 stone, my head tells me its because I've got some horrible disease but I know deep down its more than likely just down to anxiety.
I don't know what else I can do to help myself, I'm on the waiting list for CBT, use rescue remedy and a quarter of a diazepam tablet when it gets unbearable. I've also banned myself from looking at the naughty Dr Google!!
My whole family has had colds for a while now but my head automatically goes to the worse case scenario, its not a cold, its a brain tumour or cancer and they are going to die. My eldest daughter sufferers from abdominal migraine and faints when it gets really bad, that too is also a brain tumour in my head, why oh why can't I rationalize things anymore. I know I suffer from HA, it just really winds me up that as soon as I have got rid of one symptom or ailment another one comes along to replace it. It was my throat a couple of weeks ago, then my right hand gland in my neck (caused by having a impacted wisdom tooth out) now strange aches in my legs and arms, along with the normal dizzyness, headaches, acid reflux etc, etc, etc!!!
I'm very lucky in that I have a very understanding family but just for once I want to say I'm fine when asked how I feel and really be able to mean it. My doctor wants me to take anti-depressants, Lustral I think but I'm too scared to take it as I was on Citalopram and that made me 10 times worse even after 8 weeks of taking it. I've got a prescription for the pill as well but I'm too scared to take that as well, I know its stupid.
I'm sorry to blither on, just had to get it all out of my head and written down. I'm exhausted from fighting this seemingly endless battle.
Take care everybody and thank you for listening. :D