View Full Version : Thinking about life, uni, happiness

15-11-11, 11:10

I've posted before about this but it's developed into something more. So I'm at uni now and have been struggling for awhile. Week before this one was reading week, then last week I became ill, now this week I have caught an ear infection so it's all been bad luck really. So I'm never really happy nowadays, since I started uni. I'm happy when I don't have to go in yet I'm so unhappy and depressed when I have to go in. I don't understand I'm suppose to be having the time of my life but it's no where near that. However the thought of dropping out is a bit out the picture because i don't want to quit and I really like my lecturers an tutor but the thought of staying is just more depressing, 3 years of that.*

So it got me thinking of life in general and I think I want to do something that makes me happy but finding things like this are so hard- considering the time we live in. I just don't know, I get so jelous of other peoples lives and think- I never used to be like this.*

So tomorow I HAVE to go in, it's
Probably my last chance which will be interesting... 2 hour journey there with my anxiety it's difficult you know. Thanks for listening and any advice would be great. Xxx

15-11-11, 13:12
I suppose the six million dollar question is - are you happy with the course you have opted for. I know dropout rate/course changes are very high in the first year much the same as we experience at secondary school when students take their GCSE options and realise quiet soon they have made a wrong choice. At the early stages it is often relatively strait forward to change but at the end of the day only you know if this is the case. If you are convinced the course is right and it is what you want to do then you need to talk to either your student support group and /or your tutor as they are best placed and have the resources to help and advise you.

15-11-11, 15:49
make a decision based on how staying at uni will make you feel in general life, not just whether you are happy on your course. 3 years is quite a long time if you are not really feeling happy, and there maybe something you can do that you enjoy and makes you feel happier on a day to day basis.

Don't make any rash decisions, maybe try to deal with the anxiety first and then see how you feel.