View Full Version : claire weekes.

15-11-11, 16:00
I have just read dr claire weekes book while in the bath and i can identify with it and know where she coming from. But alot of its about panic attacks. I dont have panic attacks as such i just worry that i have something wrong until i am in a constant state of anxiety and worry. So when she talks about accepting and floating when you get a thought or feeling i dont know how to because thats all thats on my mind 24/7. I feel if i had an attack i could maybe talk myself through it but what do you do when you feel in a constant state of worry and anxiety? I try and distract myself and think positive and then i will get the twinge/ feeling of something down by ovary and then the dread comes back. I so want to get better.

15-11-11, 17:18
I have just read dr claire weekes book while in the bath and i can identify with it and know where she coming from. But alot of its about panic attacks. I dont have panic attacks as such i just worry that i have something wrong until i am in a constant state of anxiety and worry. So when she talks about accepting and floating when you get a thought or feeling i dont know how to because thats all thats on my mind 24/7. I feel if i had an attack i could maybe talk myself through it but what do you do when you feel in a constant state of worry and anxiety? I try and distract myself and think positive and then i will get the twinge/ feeling of something down by ovary and then the dread comes back. I so want to get better.

If you have the book peace from nervous suffering she has a paragraph in that under special fears and that is so good and she talks about sensitisation and when one is sensitised one feels or thinks your fears more strongly. She does say how all of us fear ill health, dying and going insane and so on and she says how no one has more courage than the rest and she says how other people can live and put there fears aside of normal living she say we can not rid ourselves entirely of our fears. sorry I am going on here lol. You will need to read it to get a better understanding. If you havn't got the book I would advise you to buy it good luck.

Cathy xx

15-11-11, 17:26
Which book did you read Zippy?

The one that best covers bodily symptoms & anxieties is 'Self Help For Your Nerves' - there's a seperate section on each symptom (churning stomach,headache,palps,chest pain,giddiness,nausea etc) and how accepting/floating can help, along with how and why they happen + how our constant worry over them continues the cycle.

What she teaches is to realise how the symptoms are bluffing you and causing the constant state of/feeling of fear - if I'm making that sound easy, then believe me I know it's not, but it's the only way. I try to look on whichever symptom I'm dealing with as a bully that won't leave me alone, but if I ignore it then it'll eventually give up and stop bothering me.

By the way, the relentless inner tension of anxiety makes muscles ache & the stomach/hip/groin/lower back area is a very common site for discomfort caused by anxiety & stress, along with general ibs symptoms.

Hope this helps.

15-11-11, 17:39
Zippy the Claire weeks books are very appropiate for you because the face, accept, float, let time pass is to decrease the sensitivity of the nervous system. Without an underlying anxiety state it is impossible to have a panic attack.
Acceptance means allowing symptoms and sensations to be present without giving them any importance, floating is a state of acceptance that allows you to go forward without resistance and let time pass means it takes as long as it takes.
So being blunt ha ha when you get that twinge near your ovary you can acknowledge it but that's as far as it goes, you attach no emotion such as fear and frustration. You then carry on with what you were doing and bring your mind to the moment so using mindfulness. If your mind starts trying to get your attention regarding your fears, say stop, stop,stop and gently without rebuking yourself refocus on the present. This takes practice but is very effective.

15-11-11, 18:40
Thanks everyone for your replies. The book i have is essential help for your nerves.

15-11-11, 19:06
That one is a good combination of her two later books, but I definitely reckon you'd benefit from reading the original - Self Help For Your Nerves.
Amazon usually has it second hand for 1p + postage or this website's shop stocks it as well.

15-11-11, 19:19
Thanks sweetly i have just ordered it x

15-11-11, 19:35
Good for you Zippy.

15-11-11, 19:52
I've just ordered it too :)

15-11-11, 19:55
Hope it helps us both:hugs:

15-11-11, 19:56
I'm sure you'll be very pleased you did Kah - Claire Weekes is such a help.