View Full Version : No more counsellor? now what? :(

15-11-11, 16:00
Im so sorry to post again (i posted yesterday about feeling breathless when standing up)
anyway, i just got back from seeing my counsellor and she said that shes sorry and all that but she feels that she is not helping me type thing and she doesn't knwo what else she can suggest, she said that she feels there may people other people that need to see her that she can help, and with me she feels shes let me down, she said all she can do is write to the doctor and explain how she feels that i can control my panic attacks, but that i am convinced there is something wrong with me, etc.

So now i feel im back to square one, i thought it was of some help talking to someone, but now i have noone, my partner doesnt get me, i have to beg for him to help and he says its pathetic at times and stuff, my mam and dad arnt of great health themselves and i have no friends or anything.
Im stuck in the house day in and day out.

What can i do? im seriously thinking that my life is pointless, i will be best of dead, im thinking of easy way out of all of this, my kids deserve better.

15-11-11, 16:05
This is one of the things that really annoys me! They have targets to meet and you get a set period of help and then you are on your own! How can they know when to finish the sessions?! If it is helping you then they should carry on the sessions.

Can you see someone privately? I have had to resort to this yet again as there is an 18 month waiting list for a psychologist on the NHS :doh:

15-11-11, 17:22
Is this something that happens a lot in the UK? I am unfamiliar with the national health system. This is interesting and sad to me because I am just starting school to be a therapist and one thing we have been taught is that if you get to the point, as the therapist, where you feel you cannot do more for somebody, it is unethical to send them off without further help or a referral to a therapist who may be more capable. I know that here in the US if you do not have insurance, there sometimes are community health clinics with counselors that you can see for a low cost.

15-11-11, 18:57
Just to point out the positives, it's great that she is aware she cannot help you and suggests you find someone who can.
How good therapy is, often depends on the therapist, so it will be much better for you to have a therapist who can help you rather than wasting time with someone who can't.