View Full Version : I Knew I was Dental Phobic for a reason...

15-11-11, 16:08
Yesterday I travelled the hundred twenty miles to the hospital dental clinic. I was supposed to have three broken molars out (broken because of tooth grinding in sleep, that's how bad my stress has been :blush: ) but he only removed two. They were so badly infected that they had infected the bone in my jaw, resulting not only in a pile of painful injections for the local, and, having deep roots, him literally hauling on my jawbone with one hand whilst hauling the teeth out with the other, but he then had to scrape my jawbone under the teeth, power wash it and stitch up my gums.
Did it hurt?
What's worse though is that after they came out I almost fainted, in fact I turned so pale they wouldn't let me get off the couch for an hour! :blush:
Couldn't stop shaking, heart pounding, felt sick and faint. Was awful.
To compound this misery, I've now got dry socket where both molars were removed and am sitting here terrified that the pain will become so bad I won't be able to think straight or function.
As you can appreciate, I won't be able to make the hundred twenty mile trip to nip in to see the dentist every day to have the sockets packed.
Does anyone here have any experience of treating dry sockets at home? I have clove oil but reading online, it seems mixed about whether or not to use it.
And, yes, I have another four broken molars to be removed in the future.
Basically, this has set back my dental phobia in huge leaps. I'm a wreck.

15-11-11, 17:22
Hi. Try www.dentalfearcentral.org (http://www.dentalfearcentral.org) as they have a forum with actual dentists there as well who could answer your questions. Good luck.

15-11-11, 19:02
with dry socket the dentists packs up the hole with cotton and clove oil.
I'm surprised you got dry socked with the stitching in place.
most dentist fill the hole with clove oil after the pull the tooth, it tastes pretty nasty.

16-11-11, 13:38
I'd highly recommend discussing treatment of dry socket with your dentist as they are more likely to understand and know exactly how things should be treated.

05-03-12, 17:38
I have had dry socket twice and it has given me a terrible fear of the dentist. You have to keep having it packed - is there not a dentist nearer you you can just go to for treatment - you need to go every other day really. It does get better in the end I promise. I really feel for you

06-03-12, 10:59
Had a wisom tooth taken out about 18 months ago. Similar experience - at one point the dentist had his knee on my chest pulling to try and get it out, and actually had to take a break to get his breath back! Didn't feel too bad afterwards but as soon as the pain killers wore off....wow.....this was then compounded by getting a dry socket and this was the day I was starting a new job which made things difficult. Constantly going to wash my mouth out with salt water etc.

Made it through the first day but was in so much pain I took the second day off and went back to the dentist, who packed it with a clove-like thing and prescribed some antibiotics (i think). Anyway, eventually it was okay but I've missed my next two checkups as I've been terrified of returning!