View Full Version : Hypnotherapy - Having my third session tonight ....

15-11-11, 16:35
I feel about 60% better after having just two sessions with her ! Feel bloomin awesome!

if you are at the stage where medication and therapy just aren't working try HYPNOSIS!


15-11-11, 17:41
I had a hynotherapy session but it did not work for me, I just felt like an idiot.

15-11-11, 20:30
Helloo, I have had 3 sessions of hypnotherapy (weekly) so far and probably will have another 2. I think it is really helping... I often had a few panic attacks in a week, and for the past 2-3 weeks I have had NONE! Although I am still getting some generalised anxiety. Don't you find it a bit strange though because all you have to do is go to the hypnotherapy session and listen to the recordings every day, there's not much effort or willpower involved really? It just kind of happens?!

23-11-11, 21:38
i know right! ive now had 4 and let me tell you....it is SOOOOO much more effective than the psychologist i was given by my GP ... ive been seeing my psychologist for nearly a year now and there was very little difference....4 week of seeing my hypnotherapist .. .BAM i've never felt BETTER!! =D xx DEFFO recommend!! Who do you see?

02-12-11, 15:50
I am currently having counselling and just started cipromil but really debating hypnotherapy. My reservation is that it will not work that I will not be able to get in the relaxed place you need to be in. I have health anxiety, OCD and depression so am desperate to be relieved of these symptoms. I can never switch my mind off if I read a book my mind is constantly working and thinking negative or just about anything. Do you think I would able to be hypnotised