View Full Version : Triggers of Health Anxiety

15-11-11, 17:47

I've been thinking about what triggers health anxiety and would really appreciate your experience.

Mine seem to trigger when I'm "unconsciously stressed" be it from stress at work or family problems... or read/see some information in the news (but then forget about).. only to panic I have it a month later!!

Jess xxx

15-11-11, 17:57
Mine always acts up when I am more stressed about anything really. Work, school, whatever. It helps me to pay attention to those times and take the way I am thinking with a grain of salt and just wait it out. Eventually it will pass. I remind myself that it is normal for me to be anxious when stressed, and I will get through it. Also triggers - if there is something on the news about a disease, I will have to google it! Ahh!

15-11-11, 18:50
Mine is usually triggered by symptoms, actual physical ones etc...
I think thats why I don't worry about cancer because the symptoms are rather vague if you know what I mean.

15-11-11, 18:58
Usually when I get ill, like a common cold, I get low and then health anxiety kicks in!

15-11-11, 23:06
I would say mine is triggered through symptoms.
My parents say I always seem to have something different every week and then go back to the same thing every now and then.

I hate cancer and always worry about it, I like to be known as a well and healthy person with no illnesses but when something plays up then I start to worry and I want to know if I will be alright.

It doesnt help that my original GP left halfway through this year either.