View Full Version : Do some lymph nodes just never completely go down?

15-11-11, 18:26
Hey everyone,
In the past i've had a massive obsession with my lymph nodes which in all the areas of my body where they can be palpable ( as well as being anxious about tons of other things). Thankfully my anxiety has got a lot better, but i'm just wondering why do i still have a lymph node in my neck which hasn't gone down? It's soft and moveable etc, so it's not cancer, but it's about 2 cm, and when i tilt my neck it bulges out quite a bit. Just wondering if anyone else has something like this. Cheers

15-11-11, 18:48
I have quite a few swollen nodes on my neck for the last year......
so I don't know, think my doctor is going to send me now to an ENT so I figure it is something worth investigating.

15-11-11, 19:29
If you have had a serious infection that affects a node then it can stay enlarged for many many years. I am assuming you have had yours checked by a Dr - you don't say whereabouts on your neck it is. did you have a bad infection when it came up. I had chickenpox as an adult which resulted in large nodes at back of head where head meets neck and one of them stayed up for about 10 years afterwards!

If its at the bottom of your neck, just to one side of centre and appears when you turn your head sideways then it can be thryoid rather than node but this is just for info as I have no idea where on the neck yours is.

If you have never seen a Dr with it then its always wise to show it too them but if you have had it checked out then yes its possible as I know for a node to stay enlarged for many many years.

15-11-11, 19:39
There are 2 enlarged ones. One is larger than the other. The smaller being about 1cm in diameter and the other 2cm max. They are next to each other and are located on the left-hand side of the back of my neck. Probably more towards the back than the left-hand side. Not close to the colar bone, but about half way down the neck from my hairline at the back. They haven't got bigger for 8-10 weeks. But when i tilt my neck they bulge. Although i am very skinny.

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And i didn't have an infection when i noticed them so i have no idea what they were caused by

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I can also feel a few really small ones in other places in my neck, but they're like pinhead size

15-11-11, 19:42
I have 3 lymph nodes on my left hand side that are bigger than my right. One behind my ear, one on the side of my neck and one in my groin. I had glandular fever when i was young so dont know if they have stayed up since then but that was over 20yrs ago.

15-11-11, 20:30
I am goin through this atm, week and a half ago I went to the docs with three swollen nodes or sweat glands in my armpit that were huge, they were so sore, and the pain raidiated down my arm, so I went the doctors before and told him the day before i noticed they were up i had a lump on my skin, kinda like a bite and it absolutley wrecked. Anyway i got put on antiobiotics and cream for the armpit, my doc said they would go down in a week and there was nothing to worry about, a week and a half later they are still there but think it was such a bad infection they might take longer than normal. Just keep an eye on them but please do not touch them lots, I did that at first and this made them bigger. I got a big telling off by the doctor for that. Hope you feel better soon xx

15-11-11, 20:39
Cheers guys

15-11-11, 21:42
Huh only two, I've not counted mine but I would guess maybe six are up on my neck, as well as the glands under my jaw.

It's always good to mention though to your doctor :)

15-11-11, 22:59
I have one on my neck. It goes down sort of and then sometimes it swells up more I assume I'm ok. This is normal aye and not serious?

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Also my mind goes onto it sometimes when it starts to feel a little sore.

Fly away Katie
15-11-11, 23:18
Mine stay up for what seems like forever. It depends weather you keep poking them, or weather you're run down generally or not.

I've been to a specialist with mine years ago and he said that is completely normal for them to go big for ages x

15-11-11, 23:34
oh ok I get it so they dont usually go away they stay with you.
They wouldnt be anything serious though aye? I might go to the medlab today and see if mine is safe.

20-11-11, 18:24
They could potentially by due to cancer. Probably a type of lymphoma, but possibly another cancer which has spread to your lymph nodes. I think that's the main worry for this issue. It never ends.

13-08-14, 18:38
Ummmmm I just had measles and im a bit grown up I can say and ryt before the measles came out I started getting these lumps as I call them then I searched on the Internet and I realized they were lymph nodes so I stopped panicking but then they never went even tho its been 2 days but last year I had one and that one still is ther it doesnt hurt but im so afraid to hv cancer pleas help me please!!!!!!!

13-11-14, 06:43
Hi I hv a lymp node in the right side in my neck under jaw for over 10 years,I can feel it with my fingers,when I had flu,fever it become big n visible,moveable,not to hard,no other symptom ,what could this be? Should i be concern about it?

13-11-14, 09:33
Hey, it could be because of your anxious state. The nervous system causes many bodily changes when overactivated.