View Full Version : vertigo HELP

15-11-11, 20:22
i have had vertigo all day and its freaking me out can any1 help me :( xx

15-11-11, 20:34
Hey hun,
When you say vertigo what do you mean, describe it more?
It must be horrible anyway... I feel for you. If it's too much and it's real vertigo, call a doctor?

15-11-11, 20:35

I get it too also. I have suffered with it since my anxiety started in 2006. Sometimes I feel a wave which feels like I am going to fall off my chair and then sometimes it is a continuous feeling of light headedness. The more I worry about it the worse it is. The irony is that over the last few years I have had reduced hearing in my right ear and I went to the doctors to ask his advice. He referred me to a ENT specialist who sent me for a MRI scan. So now I have really bad vertigo as the panic is here waiting the results. Its worse than when I was waiting for my O-level results.

Do a search for vertigo and light-headedness and dizziness and you will find it is the commonest symptom of anxiety and lasts even when the anxiety has subsided.

Hope it gets better soon. Once you accept that it is the anxiety that has caused it you will find it gets much better.


15-11-11, 20:39
I agree with Mee, I am struggling to accept that feeling uncomfortable breathing is actually my anxiety and not anything wrong with me physically, but I know that if I can work towards accepting it, it'll get better!

Have you had vertigo before? It's very likely anxiety but it's worth checking it out with a doctor in case it's an inner ear problem or something which could be treatable.

15-11-11, 20:43
Yeah I was going to ask if you've been having trouble with your ears???
I've just had labyrinthitis for the 3rd time this year, mind you I didn't even have an ear ache this time. If it continues I'd pop to the docs to get them to check your ears.

K xx

15-11-11, 20:56
I have vertigo too and you really have my sympathy. It's horrible. I've had a couple of attacks where everything was swimming when I tried to move around, had to cling on to things just to stand up and very sick afterwards too. Had one attack like this in May and the next in October but in between them lots of anxiety and light-headedness (which I think was caused by anxiety not the actual vertigo.) If I get an attack now I try to sit still and breath slowly n deeply through it until it subsides...the worst attack I had was the first cos I'd no idea what was going on and went into panic attack after panic attack and was like that all morning. Anx and panic really can make a horrible symptom ten times worse.

First time I got it I thought I was dying but it can be caused by crystals and debris moving around in your inner ear (normal wear n tear apparently) and can def be aggravated by anxiety. If u get the full swimming/unable to move around type attacks you can get tablets to help calm the inner ear from a doctor. I take Cinnarizine and find it helps if I've recently gone through a bout.

16-11-11, 05:24
so i have been dealing with weird woozy wavering back and forth feelings in my head for three years, it started just every couple months, over the years it snuck in more and more and now i suffer from it at least every couple days, averaging everyday, i can't walk or exercise now (runner of 5 miles a day for last couple years) i struggle to attend college regularly, i am a single mother, and my doctors have me on flonase and zyrtec and took an MRI say i have a crooked stalk of my pituitary gland and the endocrinologist wants to look at it, i refuse to accept these symptoms are anxiety STARTED...i get the same symptoms and it triggers and anxiety / panic attack from there, i am so in fear of it lately that i fear going out to loud events or places away from my family for fear of suffering the spells alone, or them getting worse when i am alone...i feel desperate to figure out whats wrong with me..got a lot worse after a plane ride made me horribly ill and dry heaving all night when i had never had issues flying before...sigh...i dont know whats wrong with me....:lac:

16-11-11, 11:55
I have had vertigo and it's awful. I couldn't get out of bed for three days because when I did I fell over. The doctor said the most likely cause was a problem in the ear, for example a small piece of detritus becoming dislodged and bashing around inside, causing havoc. If you are this severe, you should see a doctor, but it's unlikely to be anything serious. My doctor prescribed a tablet to help with the nausea, I think it was called bucasteer or bucastem. When I read the packet it was a standard sea-sickness tablet, so you should be able to get it from the chemist.

If you're not as severe, it's probably a minor problem with your ear, or, as the others have said, anxiety.