View Full Version : HELP!!!!

Fly away Katie
15-11-11, 23:14
I do appologise for posting a similar thread a week ago, but my symptoms have changed slightly and I've cried, wept and shook in fear SO much during this, that I actually feel like I have no tears or energy left :weep:
There is also no one else that understands, or I feel I can open up to. So anyway yes, i'm sorry.. But your reassurance has given me the strength to keep going in the past, so it means the world :hugs:

For a week or so (maybe a bit longer) I've had strange things going on in my HEAD. I remember at the start of the week I experienced odd shooting pains in my head, and general annoying headaches. I kept thinking, it will go...

IT DIDN'T, It's left a PRESSURE and unbearable, on-going TIGHNESS in the BACK of my head.

NOW and for the past 5/6 days, i've had this constant pressure in the BACK of my head. (and top of neck, just under my head) It also springs up around my eye sockets, and the top and sides of my head too.

BUT NOT OFTEN, please note, always in the back of my head.

I've been norty and googled from desperation, and It sounds like a tension headache.. I'm not convinced though. I'm sweating now because I think it's a tumor or something equally as awful.

Went to docs 2 days ago, she reckons it could be strain from a pole dancing class i've recently (and newly to me) been attending.

I think about and focus on this pressure day and night. It won't go. Theres no let up. This has been the longest, saddest and most frustrating week I can remember for a long time.

Will this ever go and has ANYONE had a pressure in the BACK of their head before?

Thank you SO much, I will be truly grateful even for one reply. I'll read them again and again.

All my love and more, Katie xxxxxx

15-11-11, 23:32
I have had tightness and pain like you describe and sharpe pain too in my head.
Try to trust what the Dr has told you. This is a tension headache from anxiety and stress.
Take 2 paracetamol, lie down and put a cold damp cloth over your forehead or back of your neck. Try to relax and think about breathing gently from your belly.
When the scary thoughts come just say to them 'no' and think about your breathing.
Feel better soon.

15-11-11, 23:37
Oh dear. Just started getting te pain at the back of my neck a few mins ago. I have been on propofonolol since sat, today is day 4. I don't even know if lm getting better by l know today l've had a bad day. All the best op

15-11-11, 23:40
Ive had something similar and it lasted about a couple of weeks and I felt awful.

I remember it went when I went away on holiday and did something fun :)

Anyway it could be allergies due to the change of seasons is it like spring or autumn where you are? because both of those can cause headaches.

Did you doctor give you any pain killers for it? Are you under any stress at the moment?

Also thought I would tell you my dad has suffered bad headaches for years on and off and he gets them really bad that he is in bed and other days he just has to try and survive with it at work.

I hope things will get sorted for you soon.

15-11-11, 23:45
Sounds like tension headache, I get them after a stressed out day in work, feels like an elastic band around my head and mostly hurts at the back of my head and neck. Best thing I find is a couple of paracetemol and a shower, nice warm water on back of neck for a few minutes and works a treat.

Fly away Katie
16-11-11, 15:37
Thanks everyone. Missed college today i'm that frightened. Seems so tight. ANyone else had this? :( x

16-11-11, 15:41

I've had this more times than I care to imagine. Word for word what you wrote. Usually brought about by some strain or another initially, but tension and anxiety kept it there. It could last anywhere up to two to three weeks for me before it began to subside.

I eventually learned that if I forgot about it, it went away much quicker. I stopped adjusting my posture, changing my sleeping position, and constantly rubbing at the muscles in my neck in a desperate attempt to get rid of it, and it just... went.

Hope you feel better soon!

Kam :)

16-11-11, 15:46
Get a neck n shoulder massage , use heat , buy better pillows.
A lot of head pressure n pain stems from my neck n jaw.
I can tell because it eases off when I massage my neck.
Beware too of Tensing up your jaw mucles .

Are there any times you notice that it's worse ?

16-11-11, 18:46

Last year I had an awful headache that didn't let up for a month. In the end I went to A&E because I was so scared, they did a CAT scan, bloods and made me stay in over-night. In the morning I saw the neurologist who said all my results were fine and it was a tension headache.
I left hospital that afternoon and literally from the next morning the headache had totally gone. I am 100% certain that my anxiety brought it on and kept it going and as soon as I got the reassurance I was seeking it went.

Hope that helps
K xxx