View Full Version : Hi

16-11-11, 01:50
Hi to anyone reading this

I came across this site and thought wow I'm not alone. Omg I've just paused and went through a thinking mode, a mode where I feel stupid in telling anyone what I suffer with! am I alone I wonder?

Here goes I suffer with Depression, Anxiety, Claustrophobia,Panick attacks and Ocd, yes I know what your thinking "how am I surviving" I ask that question to my self and gp so many times. Sometimes I wonder if anyone thinks I'm lying. I really wish I was!

Anyway I'll leave it at that, btw how do you post a Topic about Agrophobia on here?


16-11-11, 01:53
Hi Sonia_65

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes