View Full Version : Intense awareness of sounds/conversations

16-11-11, 09:13
Morning all,

I suffer from Anxiety, panic attacks and obsessional thoughts .. lucky me eh!! :)

A majority of my symptoms/problems are pretty much textbook .. but i'd just like to know if anyone else suffers from the following

Maybe once a week or so I become intensly aware of what people are saying and sounds in general, almost like things people say echo/repeat in my head .. sometimes it bothers me for a few days, other times I just forget about it.

as with most symptoms of anxiety the more you worry/focus the worse it gets .. but when the problem is intense it's difficult to be rational about it

I guess i'm not sure if it's a symptom of anxiety or not .. so would appreciate hearing from someone who maybe has the same if not similar problem

Hope to hear from someone soon :)

20-11-11, 10:44
Hey there,

I get this too, it's apparently part of the 'fight or flight' mechanism in us. Our senses become more aware as we feel we sense danger.
I've had what you describe quite a few times and when I've been at work, find myself hearing everything that people are saying and feeling slightly paranoid wondering if it's about me. I also find that my sense of smell becomes really sensitive too and the slightest of smells give me a headache and makes me feel uneasy!

You're not alone... :)


24-11-11, 18:51
Whenever I'm around kids or anything making loud noises like tv or loud cars , I get really tense and anxious ??? Talk about overly sensitive eh , it's horrible and sometimes if my husbands relatives and kids call and theirs too much talking and noise going on , I make excuses to leave and I have to go for a quiet walk , that's the only way for the anxiety to settle down again :(