View Full Version : tiredness

29-05-06, 16:08
all of u have been so helpful and for that im sorry to bother you all again, but for the past few days i have felt a tiredness that is debilitating. i actually felt that tcking io talk yesterday was too much

i have been worried for the past few days about a pain in my chest and a pain in my jawa, but thisis pa tiredness seems confirmation with all the other signs that my heart is giving in

i am sooo worried that this anxiety and fear for the past few years is killing me and i cannot stop fearing this

the tiredness is so bad, has anyone ever felt this way before


ps chest still bad along with a pain in my left arm.

29-05-06, 17:32
Hi jackie, one of the main symtoms when i was realy bad was the tiredness, I understand you there the tiredness was unbeleivable. I have often thought like you that this anxiety is too much for me and it was going to kill me but I am still here years and years later, 58 next birthday lol. Take care jackie the tiredness will go just like all the other symtoms do, cya Vernon

29-05-06, 17:51
hi jackie do you know this is just how i have been feeling...i too call it delibitating...it is a feeling that just overcomes me and i have to lie down otherwise i fear i might collapse..it is so awful...i too worry its my heart or something but im sure its not...maybe the weather isnt helping with our energy as its warm one minute and pouring the next..well thats what i keep telling myself
take care

Two heads
29-05-06, 19:26
Hi there!
I posted about this a couple of weeks ago and still feel tired hun.I think its just the anxiety.Have you had your iron levels taken of late?
I have been taken off iron this week because im having a blood test in two months to see if my iron levels drop again,.Doc thinks because ive lost a bit of weight and im tired i may not be absorbing my food like i should!Im sure it is just anxiety so try not to worry.xxx

29-05-06, 19:33
Hi Jackie, I too feel permanently exhausted!! the worry and anxiety you've had recently about your jaw pain has probably used up all your energy and can be very draining, which is why you're feeling so tired. Try doing something active to take your mind off how you are feeling.
Love Helen

29-05-06, 23:36
you are all so kind and i am so grateful. how much youll never know

thanks to you all, it is so hard to believe isnt it, and yet not until we truly believe can we really recover

just feel beyond tired now


29-05-06, 23:57
Hi Jackie.
I also get extreme tiredness,i think all of the worrying mentally combined with the constant physical tension its amazing we can even stand sometimes (actually thinking about it sometimes i cant!)
Your worry about your heart is probably a big factor in your tiredness,is it since youve really started to worry more about your heart your tiredness has worsened?
If you can try and get to your doctors so they can reassure you about your heart and jaw pains,this reassurance could help ease your tiredness.
Also take some time out for yourself each day to really relax, our minds and bodies really do need a break from all this tension build up.
Hope you feel better soon!

Take care xx

30-05-06, 14:57
Hi Jackie

I have awful tiredness at the minute and also my left arm goes numb clicks and feels very weak I think its just nerves thats doing it getting stressed about these pains then leads to my headaches which are really bad at the minute which then leads to the brain tumour thing lol you are not alone love our old friend anx likes to let us know he aint going to leave us in a hurry xx


31-05-06, 19:51
thanks you 2. been to the docs today, he says the jaw thing is nothing to worry about. going for an ecg tomorrow at the surgery for peace of mind.

mandy my left arms bad too

still the jaw is numb and im still freaking a bit though. sinuses bad too and the good weather ( thank god for it) makes it worse definitley. could the sinus thing be related to the sinuses


01-06-06, 00:33
Hi Jackie,
I expect your feeling so concious of your jaw at the moment that you'll feel any twinge etc. Im exactly the same about my headaches this horrid anxiety makes our thinking so negative its hard to think positively but im sure your fine,anxiety causes us to tighten most of our muscles and we dont always notice this until they become painful. Its good your having an ecg too it will help put your mind at rest which will help you relax then you probably wont feel so tired too,let us know how you get on.

When you say is the sinus thing related to the sinuses,did you mean the jaw pain being related to the sinuses?
If so yeah it could be as sinus and ears are all connected which i suppose might lead to some pain in the jaw.
Good luck,hope you feel better soon!!
Take care xx

01-06-06, 10:16
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">i have been worried for the past few days about a pain in my chest and a pain in my jawa, but thisis pa tiredness seems confirmation with all the other signs that my heart is giving in

i am sooo worried that this anxiety and fear for the past few years is killing me and i cannot stop fearing this

the tiredness is so bad, has anyone ever felt this way before


ps chest still bad along with a pain in my left arm.

<div align="right">Originally posted by jackie - 29 May 2006 : 17:08:11</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">


What you are describing sounds like my exact words. I went through this so many times and it still comes back from time to time.

I get those pains in my chest and in my left arm. I used to feel it just in my chest but it would spread to my neck and jaw. These just spur me on to get even more anxious about everything. I would freak out because I would think I was having a heart attack.

For me its just a matter to try and understand that as you get tense your muscles are tightening up and a result they get sore or they pinch a nerve.


"Smile from your heart & Let it pass you by" - Sifu Wong

01-06-06, 10:40
Jackie, I posted the other week about my tiredness, which makes me so drained I can barely sit up on the sofa. Claire Weekes mentions it in Essential Help For Your Nerves, have you got a copy? xx

Anxiety Is Evil

01-06-06, 12:00
hi jackie

having anxiety is like running a marathon every day and yet we have been nowhere.

It totally drains us of all our energy and leaves us feeling exhausted, physically and mentally. I get like this a lot and it does get me so down.

Try to accept it just another part of living with anxiety and be kind to yourself, relax and rest and dont worry too much about it.


........life is for living not just for surviving