View Full Version : breakdown!!

16-11-11, 09:48
Well just been to see my gp for some anti sickness tablets and had a breakdown in front of him, i couldnt speak for crying. He said he thinks its anxiety and ibs flared up. I told him i think i am dying and he said what would reassure me, so i said getting all my bloods done. So he agreed to do them on monday morning to put my mind at ease and gave me some anti sickness tabs.

16-11-11, 10:07
That's good then Zippy, you're bloods will all be fine. Will you stop worrying then? Or will you worry that something wasn't detected?

16-11-11, 11:22
Hopefully it will put my mind at ease but you know what HA is like, it never lets us believe anything does it?

16-11-11, 12:41
sounds like you have a very understanding gp, which is very important, once your blood tests come back, hopefully you will stop worrying, i would put my trust in him, he seems to be trying his best to help you. good luck with the results x

16-11-11, 12:51
Good luck hun, im also having blood tests friday............hate needles ARGH xx

16-11-11, 13:09
I really hope it puts my mind at rest and i can get rid of this nausea/loose bowels and get on with my life x

16-11-11, 15:52
Zippy i really hope you will trust the results. Anxiety is such an awful thing and we waste so much precious time bloomin worrying we're dying when we're in the prime of our lives. So sad. Try and be strict with yourself when they come back clear x x x:bighug1:

16-11-11, 16:20
I'm very lucky in that I trust doctors, so am reassured when I'm told nothing serious is wrong. My last bad bout of anxiety ended almost instantly when I got the all clear from the doctor (I'd been unable to sleep, eat, work, socialise, do pretty much anything). Hopefully you will be the same Zippy!

16-11-11, 16:35
I just wish the nausea would go away. I got anti nausea tabs this morning but dont want to rely on them, i wish it would go on its own. I took one this morning and managed some dinner but i can feel the nausea coming back.

16-11-11, 16:55
Have you had any CBT? If not, maybe speak to your doctor about it, especially since he has been so understanding. I had a course this year. It didn't start until after I was feeling better, so I wasn't sure how useful it would be, but I'm so glad I did it. A couple of times this year I've been in situations where I could feel the anxiety coming on, but I've managed to use the techniques I learned to keep control. Well worth giving it a go.

16-11-11, 17:30
What's with this nausea... maybe its a bug zippy. Where abouts do you live and how long have you had it? me 2 weeks (am in london)
