View Full Version : Hello out there

16-11-11, 10:14
Hi , I am so relieved that I stumbled upon this website this morning as I am at another low point with the panic attacks again and just want some help from others who do actually understand what it is like to suffer with these god awfull things .
As I am told by my husband during my panic attacks pull yourself together your doing this to yourself , which I know is true but is possibly not the best thing to hear whilst your feeling like you are dying I just want to talk to others and hear how you all cope with yours .
I feel very down at the moment and each day is a struggle to get through , I have 3 children and I dont want them to grow up thinking how I feel is the norm .
Big Hugs to all of you
x x

16-11-11, 10:16
Hi Mepanicalways

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

16-11-11, 12:09
Hi and :welcome: , i suffer panic attacks and anxiety and like lots of people on here would say if it was that simple to pull ourselves together then don't u think we would have done it by now!!! I would give absoutley ANYTHING to beable to just 'snap' out of this but its not that simple......believe me ive tried lol!! are u getting any soet of help for ur panics/anxiety? meds or therapy? this is a fantastic site and im sure you'll find loads of comfort in that ur not alone :hugs: xx

16-11-11, 12:20
Hi I have been on citalopram for the last 3 years but due to having thyroid problems and having recently had a total thyroidectomy I am on levothyroxine tablets as well . Helath wise I have had thyroid cancer again this year so hence the op and just feel totally bewildered with it all .
I totally agree with you Nicola1980 if I could snap out of it just like that I would no question about it , my whole life is affected , its so nice to actually find this site :hugs: