View Full Version : Stomach!!.....

16-11-11, 10:19
Hi all,

I’ve been having some stomach problems the last month or so which have basically worried me sick!

It started with a change in bowel habits a while back which got me quite concerned and as ever with anxiety, the worst thought sprang to mind, I must have a terrible illness, what’s happening to me, what if….

Well, when you think about a terrible illness the worst thing is you start getting all these other “symptoms” your mind relates to that illness. So since then, I’ve had stomach pains, indigestion, acid reflux, an odd pain like a muscle pull in the upper right of my stomach just below the ribcage.

I went to the doctors and they put me on antibiotics and PPIs for possible h pylori bacteria. Trouble is, this hasn’t helped one jot, if anything I feel worse than I did before, because my mind has carried on wondering.

Funny thing is, I felt a little better, then I’d have a heavy meal and feel a bit bloated and it would all come back again. Just the other day, I felt really calm for once and then I suddenly remembered that I hadn’t worried about my stomach and all of a sudden a minute or so later I started feeling this gnawing sensation… coincidence?

I phoned the doctor again this morning and she said it didn’t sound super urgent but it needs to be checked out so she’s sending me for a blood workup – count, liver function, thyroid function etc. She said if it’s not the stomach it might be the gallbladder. I’m not sure whether to worry about that or not, but I probably will eventually.

Having anxiety is like having a split personality – the sensible side of me is saying there is nothing actually wrong with you, it’s funny how I felt fine the other day then as soon as I remembered my stomach problems they came back again, when I’m calm and at home and resting I feel fine, when I’m asleep I have no problems, I don’t wake up in pain or anything, I’ve still got a healthy appetite except when I’m too worried! I’ve got no blood in stool I’m not being sick. I’m only 24 years old, apart from anxiety I’m told I’m actually in good health, no history of any serious diseases on either side of my family, by all accounts I’m quite lucky.

The other side of me says what’s this pain, why am I having acid burps, why is the Gaviscon not working, what if it is serious, what if I’m an exception, surely this must be something bad if it feels this horrible, why are new sensations coming through – is it spreading or developing? Every day lately I wake up feeling fine, then remember, then all the feelings come flooding back and I’ll feel ropey for the day.

My sensible head says this is anxiety, it’s classic anxiety. My anxious head says the feelings are real and very uncomfortable and surely anxiety can’t be the cause of these stomach problems? They’re too real and vivid and painful. :unsure:

16-11-11, 13:14
Hi Londonchris,
I have had trouble with my stomach for years. it really makes me feel down and yes i do get worried about...but i think mine is anxiety belly...i also burp....you sound like me i go to bed then wake up and all the horrid feelings come flooding back, it really gets me down....
I am glad i am not alone, your post has made me feel a bit better that i am not the only one with stomach probs..

16-11-11, 17:39
hi londonchris... i've been having stomach problems for the last two weeks... nausea, achy feeling just below my ribcage, burning sensation. The most distinctive thing is this gnawing nausea. i've had the h pylori test - negative and am on PPI's which don't seem to do anything. makes me feel miserable. maybe there is something going around..


p.s. i'm in london as well.