View Full Version : Tingling Nose, now tingling feet!!!????

wine lover
16-11-11, 11:23
Haven't posted for a while but I'm back with much the same symptoms.
I've had tingling at the tip of my nose next to nostril constant since August. Developed a little sore spot which hasn't healed. Nothing to see but gets a tiny scurl. Doctor has prescribed Aciclover tablets (cold sore remedy) and since I started taking them I have developed really bad tingling in my feet and occasionally hands. My feet are now burning with pain. Calves feel tight and my back is stiff and sore. I also have palpitations at times.
I was recently tested for Celiac as I also have been plagued with mouth ulcers, swollen lips and IBS. Results were negative, as were all blood tests. Have seen a Neuro in the past to rule out MS (previous HA) and MRI scan negative too.
As usual I couldn't help but google! So now, because I had a couple of bottles of wine over the weekend, round about the same time as the feet thing started, I am now convinced my problem is Peripheral Neuropathy caused by the alcohol.
My nose is tingling badly today as well and I'm absolutely terrified these symptoms are here to stay. Anyone out there relate to any of this. Can I just add I'm female (47) and also wonder if perimenopause could be to blame.
Just long for a day when I am symptom free.