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20-04-04, 22:52
Hi everyone, I'm not sure if I'm entering this form in the right order, or it coud be that no one wants to talk to me...[V][V][V]ha!ha!:D
I have suffered from PAs for the last 3 years or so and I've done al the tests, heart etc. I'm a trainer so I have to stand in front of people and even now I still worry when the next one will strike. I refuse to let this rule my life and if I get an attack I refuse to eave the situation. My thinking is that if I do then I'l never go into that situation again and then all is lost for me. It woud be great to talk to others who live with this.
Thanks for listening

Debbie Quigley

21-04-04, 10:51
Hiya Debbie,

You are doing everything right in not avoiding the situations that cause you panic.

I avoid loads and loads of things, which I know is not the right way to be going on.

It just makes it even harder then to go back to the places or situations that cause you the most problems.

Are you on any med's? or are you getting any councelling?

I panic about going most places but although I avoid loads, there are still some places where I feel relatively calm and will push myself into going.

Just keep doing what you are doing, Debbie, you are doing great!

Kate x

21-04-04, 14:04

As Kate says you're pretty much there . Now it is down to time and perserverence.


"Come to the edge."
"We can't. We're afraid."
"Come to the edge."
"We can't. We will fall!"
"Come to the edge."
And they came.
And he pushed them.
And they flew.

- Guillaume Apollinaire

april tones
21-04-04, 15:36
hi debbie, i found that when i get an attack i can really fight it now and take 2 big deep breaths and keep talking aloud saying it a panic attack, over and over again. It then goes and i know it was panic attack again. Try it next time. i used to go to toilet when i had one before as that was my way of escaping it


22-04-04, 20:49
Hiya Debbie,

Welcome aboard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is so nice to have you here. :)

We are growing by leaps and bounds. LOL........... :-D

It sounds as though you are doing everything that is required that you do to recover and overcome this monster.

I would just suggest you continue to do what you are doing and like you mentioned above "DO NOT LET THIS RUN YOUR LIFE" or keep you from doing what you would normally do.

Do not avoid anything, because like you said it will keep you from that particular activity or place if you do.

You are doing grand dear. Keep it up!!!!!!

Take care,

Diana xxxx

24-04-04, 22:19
Hi Debbie and welcome!

Sounds to me like you are doing the right thing.
As my husband Steve says "Avoidance is not the answer".

Once you start the spiral of avoidance, you find yourself avoiding everything.
Keep up the good work hun !

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

25-04-04, 12:31
Hi Debbie
I think you have a really healthy attitude. Don't let this get you down, you will live your life despite it (or maybe even have a fuller one because of it.) Only one thing I would add is to be careful not to be too hard on yourself if you do find yourself avoiding a situation because of the anxiety. This is a hard battle, and sometimes you just deserve giving yourself a respite to recharge your batteries. After all, tomorrow is another day...


25-04-04, 19:31
Welcome to the forum Debbie

You will get loads of help and support here so please stick around and post some more


25-04-04, 23:01
hi debbie,your so lucky,living in a lovely country,like ireland...youve had great advice,your doing it right....after all,a panic attack is not going to kill you...its just mind over matter...carry on as you are,well done!.......bryan.

26-04-04, 17:22
Well done debbie,your on too a winner then inner strength and determination and you can go a long way id say i suffer them too and lead a normal life work,play etc this really dosent have too rule your life.