View Full Version : Dyspepsia/ache in stomach. Is this common?

16-11-11, 13:02
I often have an ache in my upper stomach and was wondering if this is a common problem when you suffer anxiety/depression? If you do have it how often do you get it or is it there most of the time?

Thank you xxx

16-11-11, 13:16
yes pauline i've suffered too, so i now drink peppermint tea, it is really good at settling your stomach, i'm sure mine is caused by general anxiety, give it a try. hope this helps x

16-11-11, 13:23
Thank you, will have to pick some tea up :) I had it severe a few years back when I was going through a rough time and my dr gae me medication. The pain was keeping me awake at night. Its not as bad now but last week I was having panic attacks and anxiety again so I think this is the result of it even though I feel better now !! We can never have a *normal* day can we ??

Thanks so much xx