View Full Version : Vitamin B - Is it true that it's good for anxiety?

29-05-06, 16:50

Today I bumped into an old friend who i once did an anxiety course with as she suffers from health anxiety like myself.

She told me that she was recommended vitamin b from her doctor and she said she feels 70% better .

Has anybody heard of taking vitamin b for anxiety as I was thinking of getting some tomorrow as anything is worth a try?


29-05-06, 17:27
Hi Tony my doctor prescribed me with vitamin B compound strong tablets when I first stoppd drinking, I am still getting the repeat prescription for them now, but I only take one a day and on the box it says you can take up to 3 a day. Not realy sure if they help or not as I have just kept taking them for so long now, I just keep getting the repeat prescription as I am exempt from paying them anyway. They are supposed to build up your nervouse system but I think its worth while getting a good recomended type. If they work out cheeper on prescription you could ask your doctor for some. take care, Vernon

29-05-06, 18:24
Funnily enough the other day my sister txt me and said about getting some vit b because ive had a pretty rough week anxiety wise. I stopped smoking 2 months ago & drinking, started eating better but apparently giving up smoking can plummet your vit b levels? I dont know if shes right about that but i felt brilliant for the first 7 weeks, then last week hit a brick wall & am struggling to get out of the panicky negativity complete despair im going through at the moment, its horrible (its also the womens problems time for me which hasnt helped, so i might well give those vit b tablets a go now ive seen it mentioned on here too.

29-05-06, 19:07

I don't know if its good for anxiety. But seems like a good idea perhaps.

x x

29-05-06, 19:15

• Essential for energy production.
• Required for a healthy nervous system, especially important in times of stress.
• Required by the digestive system to absorb and utilize nutrients from our food.
• Also needed for healthy skin, hair and nails.

29-05-06, 19:25
Hi reddevil

Your exactly right with the benefits, and these are especially important as anxiety sufferers use up a huge amount of this in our bodies, so a high dose supplement is an excellent idea. I take it and it does help to give me peace of mind.


What cannot be fitted into your day, cannot be done - forget about it!

29-05-06, 19:35
Hi - B vitamins are the first to get used up when we are stressed, anxious or panic so they are important to take. I take a 50mg complex every day. One of the symptoms of B vitamin deficiency is anxiety!
Love Helen

29-05-06, 19:52
So, does vitamin B when taking a tablet top up your system?


29-05-06, 22:31
The B vitamins are water soluble which means they aren't stored in the body and so need to be replaced everyday.
Love Helen

30-05-06, 00:05
Hi Tony,
I take vitamin b5 for my stress and anxiety,i do think it takes the edge of my panic because when i run out im more tense.
A b-complex is probably better for you it includes all the b's you need.
Good Luck!!

Take care xx

30-05-06, 08:10

How many a day should i take?


30-05-06, 13:28
Hi Tony,
Vitamin b complex is sold in two strengths i think,50 and 100.
Im not sure of the difference exactly but if i were you id start of with the vitamin b 50 and see how you get on with that.
You can get both strengths in most places,holland and barrett for example.
Hope that helps& Good luck!!
Take care xx

30-05-06, 15:34
Thanks for the advice on vitamin B.

Mandy x

30-05-06, 16:31
I take 50mg complex once a day in the morning, though some sites I've looked through recommend 50mg 3 times a day for anxiety and panic, because the Bvits are water soluble it is hard to take too much as any excess is removed in your urine.
Love Helen

30-05-06, 16:43
I got some from boots but the label does not detail what mg they are so I'm assuming mine are 50mg?

Does it take time to work or should they work streight away?


30-05-06, 17:40
Hi Tony
I'd check how many mg if you can - I got some from tesco and they only had about 1.4mg of each vitamin - not much at all. The only ones I've found with 50mg are at Holland and Barret and are called B-50 Vitamin B complex.
Love Helen

30-05-06, 18:35
vit b1 1.4mg
vit b2 1.6mg
vit b3 18mg
vit b6 2.0mg

30-05-06, 18:36
It will probably take a few days for the vitamins to start to have effect and you need to take them daily because they are water soluble so will not be stored in your body.
Did you get a vitamin b complex that includes all the b vitamins? You can get them seperatly but you are better off with the complex.

Here is an example


How does the label describe what vitamins they are,all vitamins should have details of the ammounts etc?
Take care xx

30-05-06, 18:45
You have probably got a vitamin b complex that includes all the b's but not above the R.D.A (recommended daily ammount).
These will probably be alright for now but in my opinion you need a higher level of vitamins to help with anxiety.
Good Luck with them,hope they help!!
Take care xx

30-05-06, 18:54
Thankx for your help, will look for 50mg.

Anything is worth a try!


30-05-06, 20:07
Hi Tony,
I hope the vitamin b helps you,here is some more info about vit b and its role in helping with anxiety etc.
Hope it helps!
Take care xx


You will definately find the vit b complex 50 at holland and barrett,boots do a good range of vitamins but they dont always supply higher strengths.

06-06-06, 19:46

I have started taking a vit b tableta 1 a day.
I have noticed my urine is a bright orange colour due to the tablet.

Is this possible?


06-06-06, 22:12
Hi Tony - its normal for your urine to go orange/yellow colour. Its because the vitamins are water soluble and some leave your body through your urine. I find mines bright yellow until lunch time and then goes back to normal.
Love Helen

06-06-06, 23:16
Hi Tony,
I replied to your email hope you received it ok?
As giddy said yes it is normal for urine to turn bright yellow/orange colour when taking b vitamins.
Take care xx

07-06-06, 11:08
Hi, can anyone tell me if it's ok to take vitamin b when you are taking Ciprimil. I was taking vitamin b and vitamin c before I started the Ciprimil but stoped as I didn't want to overload myself with pills? Thanks

07-06-06, 22:42
i have been meaning to start taking a b vitamin complex for a while, though i have problems swallowing tablets. does anyone know if a liquid form is available? also for those who dont already know, marmite is a great source of b vitamins.


07-06-06, 23:25
As far as i know b vitamins are fine to take with anti depressants,if you read the leaflet that comes with the ciprimil it will warn you about any interractions. If your still unsure you could ask the pharmacist!
Also any vitamin b your body dosnt need will removed in your urine as its water soluble so dont worry about overloading!
Good luck!

And calico,yes you can get vitamin b complex in liquid form,you can get this from holland and barrett but im not sure of the strengths!

Take care xx