View Full Version : Bad anxiety attack

29-05-06, 17:02

I joinied this forum in May 2004 and managed to get my panick attacks/anxiety pretty under control apart from the occasional blip, ut this time I am in a real mess.

We went to holidays to Mexico two weeks ago and I was panicking about the long flight for weeks before. I managed to do the flight and arrived in Mexico with the help of a few drinks or two. The first few days of the holidays was great then I started to fell really panicky, we had booked day trips etc and I couldn't go cause I was in such a state of panic. The result was a trip to the Doctors in Mexico to get some Valuim as I was convinced that I wasn't going to make it home. My other half had to basically hold me up to get me on the plane and then get a wheelchair at the other end cause thought I was going to collapase (what a mess)

Since coming back I have virtually taken to my bed as it is the only place I feel safe, i was supposed to return to work today and after a sleepless night couldn't go, I am in a constant state of panic have a bad pain in my side which is adding to my anxiety and in the middle of the night last night was convinced I had DVT after the long flight.

I feel like a zombie, don't want to speak to anyone, I can't concentrate on anything, Iam convinced I am going to die any minute am just counting the hours till night time till I can take a sleeping tablet to get some rest for a few hours.

I also have a dreadful thirst and am drinking loads of water which I'm not sure if that is in my head also, my temp is normal but my pulse is really fast which I'm sure is due to the anxiety.

Sorry for the ramblings but I feel so bad, I have tried to get up today but felt like was going to collapse and had to go back to my bed.

Shirley M xxx

29-05-06, 17:32
Hi Shirley,

I think you did marvellously to go all the way to Mexico and should look on this as a hell of an achievement.

You know deep inside how you are feeling at the moment will indeed pass - it always does!!!

Sometimes we have to go back to square one and look at our coping methods again.

1. Eat well and not too much sugar or additives.
2. Relax - have you got any decent muscle relaxation tapes??
3. Do some moderate exercise (this can even be just a walk round the garden or up the stairs but you want to get rid of all this adrenalin in your body dont you.
4. Talk to someone close to you about it and get it off your chest.

Be kind to yourself hun and you will be back on your feet in no time.

Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

29-05-06, 17:45
Hi Shirley,

I too just flew and was scared to death to get on that plane and had nightmares for a week before the flight. I suffered from jet lag returning from my flight and was also thirsty from the plane ride. Not knowing where you live I have no idea how long the flight was but can only guess it was a long one. The anxiety caused by the flight plus jet lag can be causing some of your symptoms. Has anything else in your life been going on to also trigger this episode? I would suggest that if you continue to feel so badly to do whatever got your anxiety under control in 2004. Plus, I would continue to use this forum, it has helped me loads. I do hope you feel better soon. Take care of you.

29-05-06, 18:47
Hi Shirley.

So sorry to hear you feel like this. I know what you mean, I feel like a zombie at times. It sounds like you just need a good few days rest to get you back to normal and feeling a little better. What makes you think you have DVT? Try not to worry about everything, I know its hard, but just focus on the positive things and get some rest and you should feel a bit better in no time.

x x

29-05-06, 19:15
Thanks so much for your replies, yes the flight was a long one 10 hours and how I made it home I dont know I just sat on the plane scared to death thining I was going to die any minute.

The reaon for the DVT is I had a pain in my calf but to be honest I know it is just my anxiety.

I am just watching everyone around me being "normal" and am wishing that I could feel like that

I will just keep watching this forum as this is helping at the moment.

29-05-06, 19:33
It probably is your anxiety, you would know if you had DVT because I think you would find your veins showing up bigger than normal. I doubt you have DVT so try not to worry. Next time when you go on a plane why don't you take a pair of anti dvt socks with you? May help you and ease your mind.

x x

30-05-06, 16:20
Thank you all for your postings, I did not make it in to work again today which is just delaying the inevitable, whch is probably making me worse.

I have got over the DVT thing now, just feeling exhausted, which could be partly due to the jet lag, and partly due to the fact that at night time I find it hard to close my eyes and just drift off. I tried to sleep last night but had to resort to half a sleeping tablet which just makes me feel awful all day

I did get up though got dressed and forced myself to go to the local shops in my car so that is an improvment from laying in my bed all day yesterday feeling sorry for myself.

This site is keeping me sane at the moment.

30-05-06, 17:23
Aw hunni. Sorry to hear you are still not feeling well. You need some rest. Just try and get a good nights sleep and don't worry yourself too much.

x x