View Full Version : messed up period?

16-11-11, 19:51
Okay, well 2 weeks ago I took the Morning After Pill, I'm also on the pill Cilest but took 2 antibiotics the first day I took my pill so I freaked out and took the Morning After Pill 28 hours after sex and around 2 weeks before my period was due.
I've read the Morning After Pill can screw up your periods, i'm due this week as I'm on my 7 day break, but I'm really scared my period won't come.
I took the MAP a few months ago and my period was fine but I'm really scared it won't come this month and I'll start panicking. I'm already panicking and its not even a day late.
I'm getting cramps, feeling tired and emotional like I usually do and had a spot of blood when I wiped a while ago, but I'm not sure if thats because I have a UTI at the minute. I usually spot a day before my period but it usually goes from brown to pink to red to normal period blood, sorry if that was a bit graphic lol.
What are the chances of me being pregnant? And does it sound like my period will start soon?

17-11-11, 04:47
If you're getting cramps and feeling fatigued and emotional, it sounds like you're on track for your period! Nothing to do but wait, I'm afraid. I'd be encouraged by the spot of blood, too. As far as I can tell, you've no real reason to think it won't come.

The morning-after pill is quite effective. You took it after only 28 hours, too, which makes it even more effective (because as I'm sure you know, the sooner you take it the better it works... and you had five days).

Good luck! Hope you're less worried by this point.

17-11-11, 14:11
Typical lol, not long after I posted this I got my period as normal :)