View Full Version : fainting!??!

29-05-06, 17:58
hi all
just want to share my upmost worry with you...i have an awful fear of fainting..i only have fainted once before..and i was ill...but since i started with panic and anxiety it is a feeling that as never left me...in a way it haunts me wherever and whatever im doing i always think im gonna or what if i pass out...has any one else felt like this...what is the best way to overcome it...i cant help wondering if its the fear that i will go unconcious and die or something terrible will happen rather than it being a simple faint....and how easy is it to faint...
thanks everybody i cant stand this much longer!!!

29-05-06, 18:44
Aw hunni. Sorry to hear you are feeling like this. I know what you mean. I don't think I have actually fainted before though so I don't quite know what its like, although I do have a little fear about it. I am not sure what to say. Just keep telling yourself you won't faint. If you see a councellor speak to them about it because that may help.

x x

29-05-06, 19:21
Hiya this is my biggest fear as well. I dont quite know what im scared off either I think its the passing out and me causing a scene in front of crowds of people. What are your symptoms?. I get headache from worry and then when I walk around in crowds of people and outside I get a spinning feeling in my head and worry will pass out. sometimes i find it difficult to walk in a straight line!- still find it hard to believe this is anxiety am worried have some underlying problem!

thinking of you, K x

30-05-06, 11:43
well i just get a kind of sinking feeling...my head goes light then i feel all wobbly..but i know i can make myself feel like this just by thinking i feel faint..its so strange...