View Full Version : Hello, new here!

17-11-11, 02:35
Hi all. My names Jay. I'm a 39 yr old guy, had been experiencing panic attacks, ectopic heartbeats, palpitations since I was about 19 - ish. I was fit back then with kickboxing and weight training and I'm still reasonably fit now so I know it was never due to the lack of exercise or anything. I don't know why it started happening, it just did.

I started ( way back then when I was 19 ) to think I was going crazy or something. My heart would just race for no apparent reason and I assumed I had some sort of heart problem and death was imminent. Well, I was checked out and I was as fit as a fiddle. Back then I was told it was 'all in my head'. I didn't believe that then and still don't now.

However, with persistence, I eventually got onto a beta blocker called propranolol - which I still use now. After looking into it myself, I came to the conclusion that, I, got panic symptoms from physical symptoms. Let me explain:

Initially, my GP said, "Oh, you are stressed and that is the cause of your palpitations, manage stress and you will be fine". He ( at the time,) tried me on Citolapram. Well, apart from being zombified, impotent, dazed and lacking my normal sex drive, it worked. But I decided that the results didn't justify the expense, so I went off them.

The panic came back, rapid heartbeats mostly and for no apparent reason. I found eating would increase it and alcohol too and I'd be getting OCD regarding my heart. Had to wear a watch to time it and I'd then sit wondering why the hell it was beating so furiously. Again, this made me feel really antisocial and anxious all the time as I was too preoccupied with my own body to get involved with anybody or anything.

I got put on propranolol - which I still take to this day. I haven't had panic symptoms since I have been on it but I want to try and get to the bottom and the root cause. I don't like being on beta blockers because, HMMM, how can I say this? Let's just say it affects a mans rigidness. Not to the point of impotency but it's never quite the full thing if you know what I mean?

Anyway, I was so wrapped up with the panic symptoms before that it ended up costing me relationships. ( 2 long term ones ) Now, I'm not getting those symptoms and could apply myself in a relationship, what's bugging me though is maybe I'm too old for a new relationship and it also bothers me that being on these beta blockers I can't get or sometimes maintain an erection. So, even if I did meet someone new, I'm already feeling bad about a first sexual encounter. Do I ditch the beta blockers and wonder if the panic syptoms might return? Do I continue taking them and look for stuff like viagra to counter-act the beta blockers?

What to do?

Thanks for any help and surely I'm not the only one to be concerned about these types of meds. :)

17-11-11, 02:39
Hi Jay72

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.