View Full Version : weird body temperatures?

17-11-11, 03:29
Hi, hope you're all well (and feel like it!).

I don't know how to make this sound not vague: For maybe two weeks now, my body temperature has been weird. Does anyone else experience this (as a symptom of anxiety)? Or should I be worried?

When I get hot, I also feel weirdly cold, or at least strange. I wake up in the morning having sweated a bit, sometimes, but that could be because my duvet is heavy.

Can anxiety make my body temperature feel strange?

(I am, of course, seeking reassurance, but please only give it honestly. If you haven't experienced this, or think I should ask doctor, please say so).

Thanks for reading!

17-11-11, 12:09
Firstly have you actually taken your temp ( I am not advocating manic checking here just maybe a few days of taking it morning/noon and evening at roughly same time) This will tell you if you are actually getting a high temp or not and is the only way to tell.

BUT remember it is normal for your temp to fluctuate alot during the day, from bottom to just above top of normal range. If it was well above or below normal range then I would say tell your Dr.

My temp follows a pattern of low in the morning but can be just above normal early evening before going back to normal by bedtime.

Its most likely that its just your preception of warmth/cold that is off and if you read symptoms of anxiety at left you will see that hot and cold flashes are very common. You also dont' say your age but any female from mid 30's can also be experiencing very beginnings of perimenopause.

17-11-11, 15:06
When my anxiety was at its worse (before I realised it was even anxiety) my body temperature would go crazy.

I'd get my main symptom - churning stomach - all morning and eventually that would clear away and the fluctuating temperature would replace it in the afternoon when the day was starting to wind down and I thought I was doing ok. I'd quite often have to pop outside because my face would burn up or I'd feel really hot in the neck. I'd often go to sleep feeling cold to the bone too.

I've now accepted that anxiety is almost entirely responsible for most of my symptoms and in doing so they've mostly dropped away (having a bit of a bad day today hence coming on here!). I've not had the hot and cold sensations since I accepted that I was suffering from anxiety, and that's been about three months after about 3 years of suffering. I've attributed it to the fact that I was most anxious in the morning with my stomach and when that cleared and I was 'relaxing' my anxiety was rushing in to fill the space with something else.

I'd suggest maybe doing the same and telling yourself 'how about for now I just assume that everything I'm feeling is anxiety' and see how it goes. Took me a while to accept it (convinced I was dying from every little ache or pain!) but genuinely feel relieved and a lot better now and am stunned at how many symptoms have evaporated since.

17-11-11, 15:33
Good advice, plysg. I had the 'cold to the bone' feeling when I was bad too. It was horrible. As soon as my anxiety went, that went too.

17-11-11, 15:43
Could it be hormonal? I know female hormones can cause temperatures changes, hot and cold flashes. Try not to worry!

18-11-11, 01:38
Thanks for the replies, everyone!

I don't think I could be having hot flashes (I'm 18). And I've taken my temperature- I should've specified that my actual objective temperature is normal. It's just that I feel strangely warm with a bit of cold mixed in.
These responses help loads. Thank you :)

18-11-11, 08:50
my left side was freezing and my right side boiling hot, including hands and feet for a few days (actually so that people would comment if they had both my hands, so it was real), but it's gone now. it's one of the things that sometimes happens if i get stressed - my lefg side also goes numb too. these odd things happen and if i ignore them, they go away eventually!!

Hope you're temp is back to feeling normal again xxxx