View Full Version : tmj

17-11-11, 08:57
hi there well ive been headace free for a week well nearly but nearly one mini attack everyother day but yesterday made me think i have this tmj, ive had i spasm for few days now in my eye lid and i was eating a chewy piece of bread and wow an intense head pain right side where the pain i recieved before right side muscles in head in that area, after the attack i get like a burning area, what do u think? im thinking not a brain tumor no more

17-11-11, 11:58
TMJ and neck problems have a lot to answer for! I have both and could write a long book on the symptoms of both. I spent years convinced I have brain tumour or ms etc and it all boiled down to bad arthritis in my neck causing muscle spasms including my TMJ joint muscles.

One exercise that helped me was to say the work cl and stop there with your tongue just behind your front teeth, then shut your lips and keep that position for a few minutes. do this a few times a day and it relaxes the tmj muscles and realigns your jaw. Its not a wonder cure but has helped me in the past after a few days of doing it.

17-11-11, 12:10
thanks for the reply, i get the same a stiff neck on that side for a while i know when its a about to happen not always but im aware , but chewing really causes it to come on, even talking to much lol!!i get so scared and i have to stop frowning as im tightening that muscle, i will chat to doc abut this but will keep recored of theses attacks, is there any meds that help hun?