View Full Version : Its back again :(

17-11-11, 10:19
I have been doing well for just over a month or so now, less tensed and less symptoms etc.
But it seems to have returned :( im not sure but i think it flared up again when i went to my sisters bf house to spend the night so me and her could go xmas shopping the next day, i was already nervous because its a good drive from home and ive never stoppes before and didnt know the area etc.
The next day i got the dizzyness back, the edgyness and mood swings and then my dry eye acted up again etc and there started all the worrying again!.

I wanted to know if anybody had the same problem where u pick out a symptom one or two or maybe more and u worry about that continuously to the point where you cant get it outta your head and your symptom might become worse, u try telling yourself its the anxiety but it dont work.

At the moment i am on edge about a slightly raised node in my neck i have had it for years and it not gotten any bigger (thankfully) and its not painfull etc but every now and then i remember it and focus in it and then google stuff an it makes it worse! I also have dry eye so when that flares up i think its something worse and again google same with headaches and dizyness! i always think its the C word .. I notice my pulse alot more too! .. At the moment i have a full feeling in my ears and they click everytime i swallow etc and my shoulders are so tensed .. I also have gastro reflux which wffects my breathing when its at its worse so that brings on anxiety too and i also have this thing where i get a horrible burning acidy taste come from down my nose into my throat that makes my eyes water and my ears sore and my troat burn whih im told CAN come hand in hand with the reflux... I have a job interview next week for a place i would love to work but im afraid of my anxiety acting up and ruining my chances or if i got it tht it would act up at work and ruin it that way.
I know i shouldnt google but i really cant help myself