View Full Version : Trying.

17-11-11, 10:21
I woke up this morning all jittery and on edge and i thought right i will try my best to be positive. Within an hour i feel like i could be sick,shaky,crying,panicing and just cant get out of my head that somethings going on. I cry constantly on my own and also to my partner. I get fleeting moments of wanting to rush myself off to the A&E. I started citralapom on sunday and so want them to work. I just keep thinking if i am trying to be positive why am i still so ill.

17-11-11, 10:32
hi zippy the tabs can make you feel like that for a couple of weeks try bare with them i started them on monday they make me shake on the inside but not on the outside what mg u on ?

17-11-11, 10:36
Only 10mg. I dont know if its just the tabs because i was bad before i started them. I just want it all to stop and go away and be ok. Does anyone else cry all the time because i cant stop crying, i try and hold it in and soon as i am on my own i break down.

17-11-11, 10:44
I just keep thinking if i am trying to be positive why am i still so ill.

Because you are only trying to be positive and not actually being positive.
Its hard to do but you sometimes you have to say 'sod it' im not worrying anymore, ive been to the docs, she said everything is fine and i will cope with whatever i need to..... and mean it...... Thats positive.

17-11-11, 11:01
:hugs: i used to cry all the time and even now like last night i was eating dinner with the family and i had this wave of emotion come over and had to go upstairs and cry :weep: its just one big rollercoaster and a blinkin big mountain we've got to climb :hugs: xx

17-11-11, 11:08
I know its a mountain i dont feel like i can climb at the minute. I feel like curling in a ball in bed and not getting up until its gone. Anyone else always feel cold? I cant seem to get warm.

17-11-11, 11:19
Im always cold at the min but think thats cause ive lost 2 stone in weight, the side effects of cit can make u feel cold aswel xx

17-11-11, 11:19
Hi there I have been on citalopram for 18 days now the first 2 weeks are the worst as I felt more sick and jittery than ever, but it has slowly settled down and the last few days have been better. I still fell anxious and worry about my health but its getting easier to ignore. Stick with it it will get better and give yourself credit for facing up to things and taking a positive step toward getting back to normal. x

17-11-11, 11:37
Thanks aycie. My heads awful as well, i feel spaced out and woozy and very fidgety as in i keep touching my face etc.

17-11-11, 11:46
That all sounds completely normal! I had awful headaches, trouble sleeping, felt sick , had an upset stomach and was tired all the time at first but slowly all that has faded.I found taking my pill in the evening was best as i could just go to bed and try to sleep through the side effects. I'm sure you will start to feel better soon.x

17-11-11, 12:16
It feels like my heads going to explode and its like swooshing from side to side. I am even on anti nausea tabs and i am still having to force myself to eat.

17-11-11, 12:43
oh I know, I have to force myself to eat too, anxiety makes you loose your apetite and the citalopram can affect it too so really its no surprise is it? I know the side effects are scary but I look at it as evidence that it is going to work eventually, as the chemical balance in our bodies and brains settles down the positves will far outweigh the bad reactions we feel at first. Keep thinking positively and eventually it will become second nature and hopefully soon we will both be feeling so much better.I am actually staring to look forward to christmas now and I never allow myself the luxury of looking forward to things in case i temp fate and something awful happens. Every evening when I take my pill I mentaly tick of another day of getting closer to normality again. x

17-11-11, 20:57
Because you are only trying to be positive and not actually being positive.
Its hard to do but you sometimes you have to say 'sod it' im not worrying anymore, ive been to the docs, she said everything is fine and i will cope with whatever i need to..... and mean it...... Thats positive.

You have hit the nail on the head Bailey. Sorry to gag in but that is what we have to do Take it onboard what is fact believe it and move on not easy as you say but just to say it to yourself until you believe it.

Cathy xx