View Full Version : Constant headache for the past two weeks

17-11-11, 10:58
For the past two weeks I have experienced mild headaches that do not go at any point during the day - I go to bed with them, I wake up with him.

They arent very severe and dont throb - more like there is pressure being put on my head rather than a 'usual' standard type headache.

They dont go away even with Ibruprofen and every now and again I get a wave of 'tingle' sensation on my head which lasts for a second or two.

Whether I am exaggerating this or not due to anxiety, I am not sure - but I also get the impression that I am mentally getting slower. Struggling to find the correct word to say, mumbling etc.

Any ideas as to what this might be?

17-11-11, 11:40
Ive had a headache now since the 30th Sept.

Always seems to be there.

Where does your pain seem to be? Is it inside your head or does it just feel like its on the surface?

Is your neck sore at all or less flexable that normal?

william wallace
18-11-11, 10:16
Might be a side effect of your meds.

18-11-11, 11:46
Hi Richard I too experience mild headaches / pressure as one of my many symptoms also tingling over my head and scalp. Doctor puts it all down too anxiety.
I too worry that at times i am getting mentally slower but its all down to an overtired mind where we worry constantly about our symptoms and the way we feel, our brain needs a rest which is why we feel mentally slower in thinking and in actions. Struggling to get your words out and mumbling are all part of it, I can often be in mid conversation and completely forget what im talking about. The best thing in this situation is just try not to let it panic or worry you as it only makes it worse. Easier said than done I know but if you can try and except the feelings as just anxiety and not something that is a serious underlying illness then you should find the symptoms should die down. The fear of the symptoms make them worse.