View Full Version : My Dr impressed with my muscle spasm!

17-11-11, 12:03
I have bad spinal problems, neck arthritis trapped nerves and herniated lumbar discs so am always suffering and have weird and wonderful symptoms daily but this past two weeks everything has had a meltdown pain and sensation wise with my neck and back.

I went to Dr today to get more painkillers and he had two medical students with him and he gently felt my neck muscles and said wow they are the most rigid and solid muscles he has ever felt he got the two med students to feel them as well and they were impressed!

While I was there I said to him that I had appt with nurse next week for thryoid test which I have every six months usually and did he want anything else ( hint hint!) and lovely man said to tell the nurse to do a full blood workup every 6 months from now on ( he is sympathetic to my ha).

Mind you I have to get through the blood test without fainting! and no she is not going to take my bp before she sticks a needle into me:roflmao: