View Full Version : Constant high level of anxiety - need advice please

17-11-11, 12:04
:weep:I haven't slept in days each time I try my heart races and my left hand-side is heavy and numb. I know this is anxiety and the symptoms are harmless but still very uncomfy feeling like this all the time. I constantly feel my heart pounding. I am not on ADs since trying them last year and not agreeing with me. I started getting better but in the last few weeks it is like I am seeping holes of anxiety. I am a strong person but I need help. Any advice on how to overcome this bad period of anxiety please please

PS I am considering ADS again

17-11-11, 12:32
Sorry to hear that you're struggling so much.
have you tried relatively simple things like lavender oil or chamomile tea?
lavender is fab and so natural and safe, you can get the oil or a gel.
other than that, just know that it is anxiety, focus on slowing your breathing down, distracting yourself and knowing you're not alone x

17-11-11, 12:45
Thank you Pacer - yes I havr tried both Lavender and have just finished a cup of Chamomile tea. I know it is the anxiety - I seem to overcome one phase of anxiety only to go to the next. I feel good about my health - which is poor but I am now believing it is anxiety so why do I feel worse at the moment? It appears that I cannot relax because it has now found a way to bother me thru quiet time - normally it was driven by agoraphobia - so tried think I am rambling lol

17-11-11, 12:47
Anxiety is terrible and so draining. i feel for you and wish i had some answers. All i can suggest is being kind to yourself, eating properly and maybe visiting the doctor about some meds?

17-11-11, 12:55
I will do - thankyou for listening :)

17-11-11, 13:07
If you can get your gp to prescribe Propanalol..... a "beta blocker" , they are excellent for physical anxiety symptoms like a racing heart.

17-11-11, 13:45
Thnak you Geoff - She did mention beta blockers but I can't take them due to be asthmatic. I am not scared of my racing heart - I have a deep-seated believe that I have a very strong good heart - just find it uncomfy which means I cannot sleep.

17-11-11, 13:58
I know how you feel! I going through a really bad period of intense anxiety.
Try and centre ure self and most all try and regulate your breathing, get out into the fresh air and take deep breaths. I usually struggle to keep things in perspective when I'm suffering, try looking at world events local news and other peoples life events mite make you look away from your own inner anxieties!!
good luck and let me know how you are doing!!

17-11-11, 14:16
have you tried putting your arms behind your head, ie using them as a pillow? Apparently that slows your heart rate down x

17-11-11, 16:05
Pacer - I will try that techique tonight (just got home from school run) - I'll let you know how it works :)