View Full Version : From a urine infection, to appendicitis, to crohns disease??!!

17-11-11, 12:21
Hi I have been very poorly for 2 months now. First went into hospital unable to urinate from pain, and agonising pain on my right side. They kept me overnight on a drip, did no tests except bloods, said I had a urine infection and then discharged me. I continued to feel very unwell in myself and exhausted. I was unable to work or really leave my bed. I continued to have discomfort when urinating but no right side pain.

A few weeks later I was re-admitted to hospital as my right side pain returned. I was this time diagnosied with appendicitis. They did an ultra-sound scan and a CT scan. They were unable to see my appendix because my small bowel loop was incredibly inflammed and had moved round it. They said my appendix had possibly burst so the bowel had moved to protect it and was taking care of the poison. They also said there was contained fluid in my right iliac fossa. They said it was too dangerous to operate as it would be a big operation and they might end up removing parts of my bowel. They discharged me after 5 days on antibiotics and said in 6-8weeks the inflammation should have settled and I could come back to get my appendix removed.

A week later I have felt a lot better, went shopping for 3 hours and my right side started hurting again and I felt exhausted. I also started doing Uni related things and visited my boyfriend. I then re-admitted myself because my right side was really hurting and I became very paranoid. It was now they said I need to consider crohns disease and I am awaiting a colonoscopy. If that comes back normal then it's definately appendicitis and my appendix burst but should take care of itself and I might not need it out??

So basically I feel like I've been told my life is over. I've been ill for 2months I can't have this for the rest of my life I can't work or do anything. I know very little about crohns and wondered if people could help but I had always thought it was a death sentence? I would like to add I have had stomach cramps sporadicly when I'm stressed since the age of 17 and I am now 22. Other than that I have never had any bowel problems. I open my bowels about once a day and when not eating like recently it has been every other day. They are completely normal except a little on the strained and constipated side. When I am very constipated there can be a tiny bit of blood on the tissue from the straining.

I had a sigmoidoscopy a year ago and that was completely normal.

Any help?? x

17-11-11, 13:05
Hi there,

I'm no expert but it doesn't sound like crohns to me at all!
We have a family member with crohns and she has very serious stomach problems, she's in constant pain and goes to the toilet at least 8 times a day. If there isn't a toilet nearby when she needs to go she's in big trouble, if you know what I mean.
It may be different for other people, I'm sure every case is different but in my opinion I wouldn't worry about crohns.

K xx

P.S. If it does turn out to be crohns, my cousin leads a normal life, has a little boy of 1, a job as a teacher and 2 horses that she regularly rides, so it's not all doom & gloom xxxxx

17-11-11, 13:40
I have Crohn's disease and it is currently under control with medication so please don't think it is a life sentence at all. Yes I have had to make changes to my lifestyle and diet to control it but I am doing ok at the moment.

You need to wait for a diagnosis first though before worrying too much.

Let us know how you get on

19-11-11, 04:09
I have Crohn's Disease and my symptoms started somewhat like yours. If there's one thing I've learned about Crohn's, it's that everyone is a little bit different. I personally have to supplement vitamin B12 and Vitamin D because mine are always low if I don't and that makes a big difference. I'm also on Pentasa which helps a lot.