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View Full Version : High White Blood Cell Count & Sedimentation

17-11-11, 12:38
Just had my blood test results back and was told that some of my results were "ok" but my doctor wants to see me about my high sedimentation rate and wants me to have another blood test in 4 weeks to keep an eye on my high white blood cell count :-( Due to the nature of my surgery's appointment system you have to ring up on the morning you want the appointment so I can't book until tomorrow so have to try and keep my anxiety at bay for today.

One of my biggest fears is Leukaemia so naturally when I heard 'high blood cell count' I started to panic.
I read that high sedimentation means that you have inflammation somewhere in the body which could be caused by infections, cancers or arthritis. Naturally my eyes fell to the 'C' word despite knowing that I had food poisoning a week and a half ago and the white cells and sedimentation could be caused by that?

I can deal with waiting for the docs appointment tomorrow but 4 weeks for the blood test? I'm tempted to ask for the highest dose of Citalopram as is possible!

17-11-11, 12:43
that's so scary when that happens. The same happened to me with the high white cell count. it was repeated and was still high but the doc wasn't worried in the slightest and said it could be anything causing it and as i was so well otherwise she did nothing. that was maybe 8 or nine years ago and since then my white cell count has returned to normal. i think mine was a wisdom tooth causing it. I know how you feel though i was absolutely freaking!!

17-11-11, 12:59
Thank you so much Pacer, I'm glad you're well (and don't get me started on those damn wisdoms!) :-)

17-11-11, 19:54
From when I worked at a Drs high in relation to alarm bells for cancer means HIGH not just raised. If there was even the tiniest inkling that your results could point towards cancer you would have been contacted straight away and given a hospital appt or admitted.

From experience sedimentation rate indicating cancerous conditions like multiple myeloma or other blood cancers your reading would be around 150-200 mark.

Every infection will raise your white blood count and esr and usually all that is neaded is a repeat tests a few weeks later to make sure it is dropping.

Hope this helps calm you.

19-11-11, 16:59
Thank you so much CG :-) Looks like I've got a UTI so doc said that could be causing the high counts but wants me to repeat the test mid-Dec so see if they go down so that's fair enough. Yet more antibiotics, oh joy!